PSL order finally arrived


New member
Got the second installment from PSL yesterday. It was a fairly large order I guess so they spilt it into 3 different shipments. First shipment was all my tabs, including everything needed for PCT, second shipment was two Eq and 3 Cyp unfortunately this never made it to me as it got pinched at the border. Contacted PSL and they are shipping out as we speak. 3rd shipment arrived yesterday 2 Cyp and 2 EQ. It was supposed to be 3 EQ but when it arrived it only had 2. Im pretty sure they are going to send it out with the reshipment.
Did my injection this morning 1.5ml of cyp and 1.5ml of EQ went super smooth, no PIP so far. Ill sleep on it and see how it feels
This is my cycle.
Week 1-20 600mg Test Cyp
Week 1-20 625mg EQ
week 1-8 40mg T-bol
HCG 250u twice per week
Arimidex 25 mg every 3 days

Pct standerd Nolva and Clomid protocol
I also have some T3 and Clen from RUI, thinking of running that for a few weeks as well but haven't made up my mind yet

Final thoughts on PSL so far. They seem quite good. Prices are very reasonable, the only downside was the time it took to get everything. Probably because Im in Canada. I will keep posted
PSL is gtg definitely. Understand once they get it sent out, you are at the mercy of customs from there on. Solid looking cycle brother. Keep us updated
Would like to track your progress. Could you give us your stats and cycle history so we know where you're starting from?
40 years olds. 5'10, 200lbs 16-17% bf. I have done two cycles in the past. One test e 8 weeks and my last one was Test e for 20 weeks at 500mg then another 10 weeks at 250mg. I was going to just stay on TRT after that but decided to come off to see if I could get my natty test back, which it did quite well.
Traing BJJ 4 days per week with a little Muay thai for kicks and giggles (see what I did there). As for weights, I mostly do kettle bells and body weight exercise. I'm thing about adding squats and deadlifts, maybe
My goals are probably deiffernt than most. I'm purely looking for performance I would like to stay competitive with the younger guys in the gym for a few more years. Not sure about comps if I'm on gear due to the "cheating" aspect.
40 years olds. 5'10, 200lbs 16-17% bf. I have done two cycles in the past. One test e 8 weeks and my last one was Test e for 20 weeks at 500mg then another 10 weeks at 250mg. I was going to just stay on TRT after that but decided to come off to see if I could get my natty test back, which it did quite well.
Traing BJJ 4 days per week with a little Muay thai for kicks and giggles (see what I did there). As for weights, I mostly do kettle bells and body weight exercise. I'm thing about adding squats and deadlifts, maybe
My goals are probably deiffernt than most. I'm purely looking for performance I would like to stay competitive with the younger guys in the gym for a few more years. Not sure about comps if I'm on gear due to the "cheating" aspect.

We are remarkably similar in height weight body comp age BJJ goals etc! Please keep me posted on your progress. I've been training BJJ for 2.5 years. I learned I was hypogonal about 6 months into my training because I couldn't recover etc. Otherwise I'd love to keep connected and hear how your journey goes on all fronts.
You're going to like PSL a lot - great products and very smooth!!!

If you haven't ran T3 you want to make sure you don't run it to high... 100 mcg can easily put you into a catabolic state. I run mine
around 50 mcg with good results - 75-80 mcg tops.

Also - you should not discontinued abruptly... just as you should not start a cycle of T3 at peak levels - it's best to reduce it
by a dose of around 25 mcg every 4-7 days.

As far as clenbuterol - The side effects usually last a week or so and the benefits will usually diminish after 4-6 weeks due to beta-receptor

I know first hand PSL's T3 and clan work great - however, RUI make good products so I'm sure you'll see good results just make sure you measure
the syringe correctly.

Please keep us posted! :D
Unfortunately Im not sure. There is no way to get a blood test done in Canada without a script from your doc.
Purity Source Labs is good to go. Shipping is a little longer than normal this year. Its the holidays. Thanks for the honesty and feedback.

Another touchdown is always good to hear. Unfortunately this time of year, shipping is slowwwww. PSL always ships it quick, but once it's in transit you're at the mercy of the carrier service and the dreaded customs.
You're going to like PSL a lot - great products and very smooth!!!

If you haven't ran T3 you want to make sure you don't run it to high... 100 mcg can easily put you into a catabolic state. I run mine
around 50 mcg with good results - 75-80 mcg tops.

Also - you should not discontinued abruptly... just as you should not start a cycle of T3 at peak levels - it's best to reduce it
by a dose of around 25 mcg every 4-7 days.

As far as clenbuterol - The side effects usually last a week or so and the benefits will usually diminish after 4-6 weeks due to beta-receptor

I know first hand PSL's T3 and clan work great - however, RUI make good products so I'm sure you'll see good results just make sure you measure
the syringe correctly.

Please keep us posted! :D

Do we actually feel Cytomel working or does it work with out us actually knowing? Whats the kick in time? Been on 100mg for a week and feel nothing, not expecting results yet just to "feel something"
Did my second injection yesterday. My this stuff is smooth, like good Canadian whiskey. 3cc into glute absolutely no pip whatsoever. I am feeling a little test flu, kinda achey especially my forearms but not to worried about it. The only thing I would gripe about is the way the tabs are. They were shipped all together in a bottle with the arimadex, Clomid and Nova in little plastic bags and the Tbol just loose in the bottle. The pills are very small and unmarked, if some were to come loose out of the bags or if a mistake was made while packaging you could be taking the wrong pills or at least have them mixed together.
Do we actually feel Cytomel working or does it work with out us actually knowing? Whats the kick in time? Been on 100mg for a week and feel nothing, not expecting results yet just to "feel something"

Good question - I strongly recommend immediately cutting your dose down to 75-80 mcg.

Every time I've run T3 - it's been in conjunction with clenbuterol as an addition to my current cycle.

The most profound effect was SWEATING - but that would largely be due to the clen, which is almost instant.

T3 greatly increases the uptake of nutrients and a bunch of technical stuff that we don't need to worry
about right now... but everything is working harder - and more fuel is needed throughout this process.

T3 will increase your bodys energy demands, and if you're not careful your body can turn to muscle for it's energy -
ie. the catabolic state.

Several years ago - "me being me", had to test everything I've learned about not running cytomel over 100 mcg and
here's what I found...

I started running it over 100 mcg and I would say it was around several weeks later I started noticing my
lifts going down - along with my energy.

At the time I didn't even consider, it might be the cytomel making me feel this way... I was just thinking WTF - why am I not making progress.

I ran it too high for well over a month until I realized it was the T3 that was doing this.

I think I actually set myself back a couple months and waisted not only the gear I was running - but actually took away some of the gains
from the previous cycles.

Having said that... I do run T3 - but I keep it between 50-80 mcg, and it does work great... "at the proper dose." :D