If you're asthmatic you should use tren more conservatively.
From my experience (not having asthma) tren-e can give me an asthmatic feeling at very high
doses such as 800mg... however when I'm running it in the 400mg range I don't have this effect
at all.
I've read from others who are asthmatic and they tend to see it effect their asthma right after and
around the time of injection... and that clen does help.
In their case they prefer to use tren-e so they don't have the daily injections - but you are always best
to start with tren-a as you are.
The two people I'm thinking of are HUGE MOFOS and still run tren without going nuts with the dose
and this is just how it effects them.
I LOVE the stuff and never have any mood swings at all... I just sweat like a bitch when I'm sleeping!
Like Shredder mentions, I'm the same - tren is somewhere in almost all of my cycles!
You'll dig PSL's tren it's carrying all very good reviews!
Keep us posted!