Flat Broke
New member
thanks guys. i will give them a few more days. glad to here they are g2g
Seriously brother...don't look at the usps website til next week. It'll take time just for them to update their site..., nevermind your stuff leaving "place of origin" (notice how i didn't mention the name of the country --hint hint) taking time in itself. Be patient bro. It takes time but always get there.
thanks guys. i will give them a few more days. glad to here they are g2g
What was your avg time for the US guys? Mine is stuck in Germany but only for a few days. I doubt they even update the site. Still should I expect 2-3 weeks?
Last time, from the time payment was picked up it was 1 week for me, and I'm in the US. Currently have an order. Payment was picked up last Thursday, was sent off to be shipped on Friday, left the origination point on Saturday, and currently in transit.
Hey guys, we really need to keep the shipping details out of the open forum.
I just sent them a PM to check on the domestic line and will post an update as soon as I
hear back.
Personally, I would just go with international... the success rate is very good, but you can read the website
for resend policies.
I don't think I mentioned this yet - but I just received my order the other day which was international.
Over the years I placed a whole lot of (more than I can remember) international orders and have only had one not
make it to me - which was resent anyway - no loss.
Gant it - I'm only ordering for me so the orders are not that big, but...
... we started out crack'n the piggy bank - and roll'n the dice!
by that notion then you posting that you just received an order makes it very easy to know where they came from.
Your details would be easy to pull unless you've got an anonymous email and a fake ip when you post, doubt most ppl here use that kind of technology.
Then once they have your details they'd just pull your mail history and see last few packages. Wouldn't be too many unless you're a shop-a-holic or an eBay businessperson.
Then you track the parcel, reverse shipping ID it and pick out the source.
If I can put that together in 1 minute, surely an agency could....with resources at their disposal.
I know what we really want is less hits so that when ppl google certain details they don't trend, but realllyyyyy, a title called PSL and G2G sets off alarm bells already.
Their domestic line is shipped from the states??? But it goes pretty fastquick question, if i were to buy some EP line stuff, could it be shipped to me from somewhere in the U.S.? Or does any EP line I buy have to go through customs.
quick question, if i were to buy some EP line stuff, could it be shipped to me from somewhere in the U.S.? Or does any EP line I buy have to go through customs.