Puberty delay, steroids and PH. Please help me.


New member

All begun when most of my friends begun to do their puberty. Everyone had hair, muscle, deep voice etc. except me. My body development has been very slow and I still have very little pubis and fascial hair, small genital apparel, small head, narrow shoulders, very thin forearms and a tipical feminin fat distribution (hips and back side). Compared to my father and my two brothers, I look like... nothing that can be compared to... I feel that "I've missed the train". And this feeling is even worst when people laugh at me, for example at the swimming pool, even if I've got accustommed to it. A few years ago, I had problems because of a minor osteoporose. I made a "bone age" and discovered I had a two years groth delay. And the bone maturation is also in correlation with testosterone production. Two years ago, I went to a doctor who told me I had "a little" hypogonadism but not pathological enough to do anything. The mentality here in europe is very different than in the US where I'm shure I would have been treated against it. But in France, doctors prefer to let things how they are. Because of my lack of "male-ness" I started to bodybuild. It became a hobby, than a lifestyle. I now train 6 days/week:

Monday: back
Tuesday: quads and glutes (including squat, my favourie exercice)
Wednesday: chest and triceps (including chest press)
Thursday: abs and calves
Friday: hamstings (including stiff deadlift and lunges)
Saturday: biceps and forearms

I eat about 3000 kcalories/day, 2,2 g/kg/day (protein/body weight/day), weight protein (pre and post workout), casein (kind of cottage cheese, before going to bed), take creatine, taurine, zma (cycle) and multivitamin. I've also tried x-factor (worked well for me) and I'm now on e-bol.

In two years I put on almost 30lbs of lean muscle (today 135 lbs, about 9 % BF). But despite this, I still don't look male.

After many years of researchs about steroids and PH, I took a decision. I'm now 19 and it's the last moment to do something (if it's not too late). Of course, the best would be testosterone, for example undecanonate, andriol, that is often used in treatment of puberty delay. But I don't feel like beginning straigt with steroids even if that would be the thing to do, cause of testo endogen production shut down (I mean, harder than with PH) and also cause I dont want my surroundings to notice excessive agressivity, mood and physical change. Another problem is I don't want to be ripped off by scammers that sell fake steroids. So, naturally, PH's crossed my mind. I'm now looking for a PH that converts to testosterone WITH DHT conversion (DHT is involved in many male patterns (good and bad such as hair loss, prostate enlargment etc. that's true, I'm aware of it), without too much estrogen conversion if possible ! Pf course I don't mind getting more muscular after the cycle, but that is not the main purpose of all this.

I know I'm not 21. I know steroids and PH are illegal in France. I know I can get serious problems if I do not use proper post cycle therapy (pct) (I don't know where to find nolvadex/clomid without prescription in France!). But like we say in french: les risques en vallent la chandelle (risks are worth it).

So, what would you do if you were me? Should I use steroid or PH? What dosage and lenght for the first cycle?

Please help me.
wite till u 21 minmum
at this wight u dont need roids/
and the most importent think u should know
that males develop even till thaire late 20's
wait till u 21-22 io am sure youle catch up with the other as far as sheiving and stuff
did u cheak free test levels?
To be honest you probably won't get much in the way of replies here...your situation is quite complicated.

But I do know this, if your bones are still developing Steroids are the worst thing that you could do. Steroid close your growth plates, making it unable for you to grow any taller or develop your bones any more.

You should be very proud of your achievments, keep up the hard work. You can probably gain another 40lbs by the time your 21 or so and then you can go ahead and cycle if you like. I know it's hard considering your situation, but steroids really aren't the answer right now.

If you come to the training/diet forums we can really help you to keep putting on mass naturally. :)
First, sorry for your condition and your unhappiness.
Second, you are 19 - anything you do now will aggrevate things in the future, halting what little development you have left. Don't make things worse!
Third, don't ever do prohormones. Ever. They are just as illegal as real steroids, you actually have a bigger chance getting caught with them if you order them since they don't have the skill to ship discreetly (unless you go down to England and buy them locally), they won't help and will cause sides if they work at all.
Fourth, do steroids, but just not yet. Wait until you're older. Use your time now to inform yourself for decent sources and gain knowledge.
come on guys help him out, you got all the answers

Testosterone Enanthate 125mg/week coupled with 250iu och HCG twice a week.

Run that for 12-14 weeks along with some proviron or arimidex if you feel you still have some growing to do and your epiphysises arent closed. Estrogen will stunt your growth.

DISCLAIMER: This is a protocol intended to establish a normal 20yr olds level of testosterone in your system. If your hypogonadism is one where your level of testosterone is too low this will help. If it's a receptor/testosteronesusceptibility issue then this will do nothing. Can't really make you more respondent to androgens.
Go back to your doctor mate and explain to him that this making you very depressed.

Tell him that you need to have this treated. If that fails, go to another doctor. One will eventually treat your problem. Possibly suggest that you are considering using Steroids if you are not treated. That should do the the trick. I am also from Europe so I know how it works over there.

However I would not consider self medicating with steroids at this time. Leave it for a while.
Hey bro,
I feel your pain, sometimes life is not fair but you gotta keepo a positive attitude no matter what, there are always people out there that have it even worse, I am not downplaying your situation but just trying to tell you not loose hope. I agree with what outlaw wrote, someone suggetsed for you to take test e at 125, I wouldnt because test will close your growth plates, You should definately wait till 21-22 as someone else suggested. You kicked ass and gained 30 pounds and I am sure you can put on more mass, lift big and eat big and you will get big. If I was yuou I would get my test levels checked out. Tell your doc you need your free test and total test levels checked period, If you decide to take steroids then I think GH and oxandrolone is a better option for you, there are a few studies that you can read up on pubmed in which both oxandrolone and gh were given to kids with growth delay, the combo worked very well in the experiment. You need a good Doc who is willing to work with you. Zma is an excellent supplement but also add tribulus extreme from twinlab, it's a good product and should help you getting your natural test levels up. Keep doing what you are doing and never take no for an answer.
Best of luck
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I feel for this kid because clearly his body is not producing test as it should be, and from the sound of things he got through only about half his puberty. If it were me in his situation I would be tempted to use chemicals to try and create an artificial puberty, however this is a very unwise thing to do without medical supervision and knowledge. Props to you for doing your research and putting in some of the work naturally. Like the other guys have said your best bet is probably to gain as much weight as you can naturally over the next couple of years and then start cycling.
because you have not completed your growth cycle steroids should not be something for you to use at this time, I am sorry the medical community in France is backwards and will not treat you, perhaps another physician? are your parents supportive of your situation?

perhaps someone in the mental health field, if you show you are depressed enough over your situation they can recommend you be treated for your condition?

keep up with the training, eat more to put on weight and I wish you best of luck to you
As far as I understand it, it is estrogen that closes ur growth plates which is why products such as aromisan have been used to keep growth plates open and allow people to continue to grow, so administering him test would increase estrogen and would close his growth plates but at least he would go through would also explain why Anavar (var) is given for slow growth conditions in childen since Anavar (var) doesn't aromitize.....this is what I've read....

there was a case in the uk where a full grown man 25 was given hrt, he too had very feminine characteristics and also a very small winky, after Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) it all grew and he caught it doesn't look like it ever too late.....