pulling out

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tightsnipa said:
hey guys i have a serious question.

been haviing sex w/ my gf for the past couple days and havnt had any condoms > By pulling out before i bust, is there still a chance of pregnancy?
Get her on the pill and keep pullin out...make her take it on the chin like a boxer...or just keep droppin stomach pancakes.
about gear destroying your sperm count...

i've heard at least one other account of someone getting their woman pregnant while on a heavy cycle

and if you're nuts dont shrink while on you may have much more sperm floating around than you think, either way it takes just one
dont push too deep and pull out a good 3-4 seconds before nuttin .... and cross ur fingers lol.

i fucked this girl maybe 50 times in a month , hittin it raw (she thought i was her man) using the above method , worked OK for me no babies ........... either that or summin wrong with my cream lol (not on any gear).

good luck .. RAW IS THE BEST FEELIN IN THE WORLD :D id rather not do it at all if i gotta use a rubba ..