Push Pull Routine???


Muscles can't stop this..
For the last ten years I have been doing this routine.
Mon: Chest exercise (varied) immediately after Hit a Back exercise (varied) then a different Chest exercise and immediately to a Back exercise and then repeat for a final exercise on both. I don't know what you call it but I call it supersetting chest with back.

Tue:Super set Biceps, Triceps, and Traps. For three different exercises a piece.

Thur: Super set quads with hams for three different exercises.

Fri: Super set shoulders with calves for three different exercises.

I change up the routine every so often and do one muscle at a time for heavy weight low rep strength building but for the most part of the year I use the routine of working out two to three muscle groups all at one time.

Now I'm not trying to get huge and all that, really just trying to maintain a tone with relative size, and it seems to have worked over the years. when I'm on cycle with this routine I gain huge weight!

Does anyone else like a workout routine similar to this? Anyone have any problems working out multiple muscle groups at once?
BTW I never do more than 8 rep with a decently heavy weight on this routine. If I do this routine at 10 plus reps I get shredded down like bruce leeroy!!!
I rarely do the same thing twice..sounds like it s workin bro..off cycle I cut volume .

Looks fine to me.
I rarely do the same thing twice..sounds like it s workin bro..off cycle I cut volume .

Looks fine to me.

Once again, sorry bout getting agitated over there! No harm no foul.
So in reference to "I never do anything twice" what exactly are you refering to in what I said?
I used to do single muscle per day, anywhere up to 24 sets. I am currently doing: Day1)Bis/Tris (superset), Day2)Back/Shoulders (superset), Day3)Chest/Abs, then Day4)Legs-repeat. Currently doing pretty good workouts and trying to increase weight each week or at least attempt. Sets anywhere from 8-16, reps at 6-12 depending on weight and exercise.
I like supersets for a couple reasons: it makes me expend a lot of energy quickly without rest, get my workout done quicker (seems like it), and you can get a lot more done. I am very open to changing my routine tho. This routine is just implemented the past 2 months. I like to change things up because I do believe in 'muscle memory' and just get sick of the same thing over and over... Also, seems like I can only get so far by doing the same thing. I always change up the exercises tho. May do freeweights one week, and cables/machines the next or bar bell vs. dumb bells or whenever I get bored cuz you gotta mix it up a bit.
Its seems to be use push pull but it effect our body a lot..
Push pull routine help a lot strength training.. So i feel no hesitation t use this routine..
Just follow this routine you will get good results...