PWO Drink during workout?


New member
My PWO drink bungs me up. I normally make it up and drink it as soon as I get home. The problem is after I've drunk it I'm full as a gun and can't eat anything else that night! I still feel full in the morning! Surely, that's not right!?..

I was thinking of taking the drink to the gym with me and sipping at it through my workout. What do you think?

My PWO Drink is:

Coconut Water (2 Coconuts)
Sunwarrior Vegan Protein Powder (2 Scoops)
Ground Bee Pollen (1 Table Spoon)
Ground Flaxseed (1 Table Spoon)
Ground Cacao Beans (Handful)
Organic Honey (1 Table Spoon)
Coconut Oil (1 Tea Spoon)
1 Table Spoon Vitamineral Green Drink Powder
1 Table Spooin Chlorella
1 Table Spoon Spirulina
1 Banana
Soaked Goji Berries

Lots of goodness in there!

Now I'm in to my cycle I want to focus less on the protein shake(s) and more on protein sources from proper meals.

Maybe I should drop the shakes if they're doing this and have one or two a week?

Any ideas are welcome.

are you a vegetarian Koi? And why are you taking all that crap PWO? No wonder you feel full.

Either way, eating to get big is about pushing past not being hungry and just eating. If its still an issue, stop with the PWO shakes and just eat real food. I love 2 1/2lbs bleu cheese burgers with sliced cheese and tater tots. Now thats a post workout meal. :D
That doesn't even sound good, vegan protein powder? wtf
I would drop that stuff...or atleast just drink it in the morning, but post workout is most important when you want real protein and carbs.
Thanks for the feedback, it's appreciated. I want to learn from the experts.

I thought the drink I mentioned above was a great PWO drink due to its contents. I was under the impression that PWO my muscles and body would be aching for nutrients.

I'm not a vegetarian or a vegan. One of my friends (a nutritionist) recommended the Sunwarrior protein powder as it got excellent reviews. This is the stuff:

I forgot to mention I also add to the drink 1 scoop (32g) of Dymatize Elite Whey Protein Isolate and also 1 scoop (25g) of Mercola 100% Pure Pea Protein.

Shall I just drop everything from the drink and stick with the 3 protein powders PWO?


Coconut Water (as base)
1 Scoop Sunwarrior Protein (22g)
1 Scoop Pea Protein (25g)
1 Scoop Dymatize Protein Isolate

Any advice is appreciated.

If you can recommend any other protein powders I'll order some straight away.

I'm based in Thailand so I'm limited to certain brands/makes.

Don't get me wrong I'm still loading up on quality meals and not substituting protein shakes for meals. Last night after training I had my shake and then went out an hour later and forced down an amazing salmon steak and steamed vegetables.

MILK!? You have to be kidding me!?...

The only milk I would put in a PWO would be raw milk straight from a cow. Pasturised milk is the devils sperm.... :worried:

Can anyone recommend me a good whey protein?

My PWO drink last night was sirloin steak... :)

Koi. (Mr Pea Protein)
how about a 1/2 pound angus burger and some tater tots.

You guys need to learn to eat what it takes to get big.

Pea protein. thats awesome.

What's an angus burger and tater tots? Is it pure beef or lips and arseholes? :)

I'm 3 weeks in to my course and I can't stop eating. Luckily where I live we sea food on tap. I'm eating fish by the bucket!

MILK!? You have to be kidding me!?...

The only milk I would put in a PWO would be raw milk straight from a cow. Pasturised milk is the devils sperm.... :worried:

Can anyone recommend me a good whey protein?

My PWO drink last night was sirloin steak... :)

Koi. (Mr Pea Protein)

the devils sperm? are you a granola crunching hippie? lol

go to True Protein | High Quality Nutrition and Protein Supplements and you can make your own and buy it by the pound.
What's an angus burger and tater tots? Is it pure beef or lips and arseholes? :)


fish don't make you big... red meat does.

and if you haven't eaten Angus beef you are missing out on life.

EAT and EAT big... ALWAYS!!