Are they testing for steroids ? It's been a while but I believe that's a fairly expensive test and many companies don't do it...
Steroids will be detected in your system for something like 12 months and they will find it if they want to...
Hey guys
So I had to abruptly stop my test-e cycle due to an upcoming drug test. With that said, I was only 6 weeks and my question is if I should still wait a month from my last pin to start my pct? This upcoming Wednesday, makes two weeks since my last pin.
They're out of order buddy, ignore them...
PCT is to be started 3 weeks after last Test E pin... have you been using HCG on cycle?
Have you got your Nolva and Clomid ready to go?
I gave him the right advice.. Why wait an extra week to PCT on a measly 6 weeks of Test E ?
I gave him the right advice.. Why wait an extra week to PCT on a measly 6 weeks of Test E ?
You did! That was on 2-25-15. You said you would start pct (nolva+clomid) 3 weeks after last pin. So what is the point of this thread exactly???
You clarified it yourself in your other thread! Lol who are these people?!?!