Question about 1st cycle


New member

I'm new to the board so I'd just like to say hello to everyone.
I'm 5'9", 165 lbs, bf around 18%, started to train slighly 3 years ago, but nothing serious at that time. I'm quite gifted, I have no problems with mass gain, that's why when people in the gym started to ask me if I start in competitions I started to think about this seriously.
I consider to do the first cycle to reduce my bf and gain better muscle definition, I don't really need more mass.
Of course the 1st & 2nd thing will be the diet and training, the cycle must just boost it up...
I was thinking about running 12,5 T3 ed...I don't want to take higher dosage to block my endo levels. But do you think in this case 12,5 will do any good, or is it better to stick to something else? I'm confused, as there are different opinions, some of them claiming it's a great stuff and others that it's the worst shit on earth. On the other hand I don't want to use clen, as sometimes I have problems with sleeping even after too much coffein.
The second thing will be anavar. What dose would you recommend? I consider going on 10-15 ed.
So it would look like this:
1 week - T3 6,5 ED
2-5 week T3 12,5 ED
6 week 6,5 ED
and 1-6 Anavar (var) 10-15 ed
Thermogenics, diet, cardio and free weights training will be priority.
What do you think about that?

t3 is a bad idea alone. its too catabolic to run w/o AS. if you just want to reduce BF why not just diet and cardio? you dont need AS to get leaner.
how would you dose, clen, anavar and T3?
clen- do you go 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off and the same with T3 and continue anavar. or all 3 at the same time. I am getting conflicting advice. I am healthy cant recall ever being sick. I'm not worried about sterilazation from taking anything, I have had a complete hysterctomy in mid 20's which I learned I was misdiagnosed. I am 5'3 128 I have thin arms and legs but can't get rid of the pudge around the waist and obliques. I do cardio 5 x a week and weight train 5X per week. I eat clean and drink lots of water. I want to build muscle but lose the gut and butt.. any advice on how to take the 3?

T3 is for people with who have hypothyroidism. If your thyroid is healthy and you are going to take T3 to lose weight, you could become very ill. The dose you suggest taking 12,5 mcg, is the dose I get on a dr's prescription for having a severely bad functioning thyroid.
My prediction is, it could make you shiverery, nervous, unable to sleep and might even result in a nervous breakdown.

And yes, stay clear of Clenbuterol. It's the most awful rubish I ever took. I really regret it. It made me puke up for days on end, my body was trembling all over.

Adding Anavar is unlogical: you could rapidly gain the weight you are so desperately trying to lose.

Just a word of advice. Listen to Irongirl. Cardio & diet is the best way to go.


By the way: I don't know any steroids which will cause weight loss for women. On the contrary: steroids are often given to people with immune diffiency diseases such as HIV/Aids to make them gain weight.