question about PCT


New member
i am currently running test e 700mg, deca 400mg cycle.

you guys suggested clomid for pct..

now what if i stop my deca a week early so that it runs out the same time or before the test does.. can i take nolvadex for pct??
the reason why i ask is i already have nolvadex in hand
I think you should do more research as from what I've learned here you want to have your PCT on hand and planned out before your cycle starts. I've done 2 cycles and I ran HCG the entire time 2x250 wk stopping 1 week after my last shot and recovered very fast (Look up swales thread on PCT). If you're not too far into your cycle I would personally start with the HCG. Then 2 weeks after your last shot start with the nolva.
thx for your advice, i already done my research but cannot get my hand on HCG in New Zealand.. my supplier dont have it..

i am at the end of my cycle. i can get clomid anytime but why buy it if i can use nolvadex??
thats my question
Yes, nolva pct is ok if you've stopped the deca 3 weeks before PCT starts. But if you can easily get clomid, I don't see why you wouldn't get some when you have these worries.
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i am just worried about the side effects of clomid.. weakens eye sight (permanent).
and to be honest this cycle has made me broke... i would rather save the money for my next cycle.
correct me if i am wrong, but doesn't 14day half life mean that the drug potency will divide by two... in my case 700mg of test e becomes 350mg in 14 days.. meaning i cant start post cycle therapy (pct) just yet?