Question about subcutaneous better or not?


New member
hi guys, do you have experience with subcutaneous injections? can you tell me can help to lower e2 high? I have high e2 and I thought to try the same dose but subcutaneous in order to have less peaks of T and therefore less e2 from high T.
The ester attached to whatever you'll be injecting will determine the amount of testosterone released, which in turn will decide estrogen conversion.
IM or sub-q has nothing to do with it.

Are you taking an AI ? Thats how you control levels.
no, I do not take AI, I tried to take it for 3 weeks (0.5mg x 2 doses) and I went from 85 to 45 E2, but feeling malaise and pain in the right side, 1mg of arimidex a week for three weeks caused me elevated transaminases (185-125).

the dosage of e2 before arimidex was 85, after 3 weeks of arimidex e2 45 and now, a week after the last 0.5mg of arimidex I again took the e2 dosage (in another laboratory, maybe most accurate) with the result of 35 (about 1000 of testosterone).
It is normal that?

The only thing I've added since I stopped arimidex was zinc, could it make such a strong effect on e2?
From what I think subcutaneous injection should guarantee less spikes and therefore less aromatization.

I'm going to avoid arimidex given the same liver that created me and to reduce e2 with zinc, subcutaneous and reducing fat mass (I'm not fat, I'm like a bodybuider in mass)
i tried sub q trt injections.. no matter where i injected i had a knot there for weeks.. not my thing
actually studies show a more level release of testosterone and less aromatization sub q..
The ester attached to whatever you'll be injecting will determine the amount of testosterone released, which in turn will decide estrogen conversion.
IM or sub-q has nothing to do with it.

Are you taking an AI ? Thats how you control levels.
Sub-q injections are Fraught with Problems.
Lumps and Cysts to name a couple.

Stick with Intramuscular Injections, and run an AI.................................. JP
Bloodwork will tell you if your E-2 is high.
Sub-q injections are Fraught with Problems.
Lumps and Cysts to name a couple.

Stick with Intramuscular Injections, and run an AI.................................. JP
Bloodwork will tell you if your E-2 is high.
I Take arimidex for 3 weeks (0.5mg x 2 doses), I feel better in that period but my transaminase are increase a lot (about 200 in normal range <40). I dont Take more arimidex of course...
I Take arimidex for 3 weeks (0.5mg x 2 doses), I feel better in that period but my transaminase are increase a lot (about 200 in normal range <40). I dont Take more arimidex of course...

This is one of the reasons that I switched from Arimidex to Aromasin.

Aromasin in Studies didn't Adversely Effect Liver Enzymes or Cholesterol...................................... JP
This Study is Long, this is the part on Safety.

Exemestane was well tolerated by the study subjects, with no serious adverse events reported. General chemistries, CBC, and differential urinalysis and liver profiles were measured and were unchanged during administration.
I must say that in the weeks with arimidex I felt better, calmer and more libido. pity about the high transaminases because it was really nice to feel that way. in those weeks I took 0.5 mg for 2 doses per week. I remember hearing from the first dose a good feeling and better libido. Which I do not feel now even assuming zinc. If I tried to take a very low dose of 0.25 mg per week in two doses and then repeat the transaminases after another 3 weeks?
I Take arimidex for 3 weeks (0.5mg x 2 doses), I feel better in that period but my transaminase are increase a lot (about 200 in normal range <40). I dont Take more arimidex of course...

I Take 250 every 12 days (but in 4 doses, one dose every 3 days)
It s about 145mg per week

seems like you're making a mountain out of a mole hill while trying to solve uh rubicks cube yikes !

what ester are you using ?
hi guys, do you have experience with subcutaneous injections? can you tell me can help to lower e2 high? I have high e2 and I thought to try the same dose but subcutaneous in order to have less peaks of T and therefore less e2 from high T.

Are you on hcg as well? I was on 140 mg/week test c + hcg and i was aromatizing pretty significantly using an AI. Dropped the hcg and upped the test to 200 mg/week and so far no AI needed. Hcg is supposed to cause estrogen. I have also read that sub-q injection is also more likely to case high aromatization since estrogen is produced in fat cells. I have been injecting test c both IM and sub-q and noticed no change in estrogen though.
This is one of the reasons that I switched from Arimidex to Aromasin.

Aromasin in Studies didn't Adversely Effect Liver Enzymes or Cholesterol...................................... JP
This Study is Long, this is the part on Safety.

Exemestane was well tolerated by the study subjects, with no serious adverse events reported. General chemistries, CBC, and differential urinalysis and liver profiles were measured and were unchanged during administration.

Id rather much user aromasin as well, less issues to deal with and it likes me.
Are you on hcg as well? I was on 140 mg/week test c + hcg and i was aromatizing pretty significantly using an AI. Dropped the hcg and upped the test to 200 mg/week and so far no AI needed. Hcg is supposed to cause estrogen. I have also read that sub-q injection is also more likely to case high aromatization since estrogen is produced in fat cells. I have been injecting test c both IM and sub-q and noticed no change in estrogen though.
No I use only Test E
Get it figured out with a single injection per week

Trt dosing of once every 3 days forever is illogical