Question after my first cycle...


New member
I just finished my first cycle. I was pretty nervous and only did 1ml of test-c for 10 weeks. Saw minimal gains. Since it was a "small" cycle, I'm wondering if it would be safe to go ahead and try more. Maybe test-c and tren. I am 35, 5'10" 195lbs. 16% body fat. All suggestions/instructions are greatly appreciated!!!
Keep you diet and training right and you'll see more with a higher dose. A lot more. You basically shut your system down only to replace it with outside test so you probably weren't very much over natty levels. Take 10 weeks off and start again with double the dose.
I just finished my first cycle. I was pretty nervous and only did 1ml of test-c for 10 weeks. Saw minimal gains. Since it was a "small" cycle, I'm wondering if it would be safe to go ahead and try more. Maybe test-c and tren. I am 35, 5'10" 195lbs. 16% body fat. All suggestions/instructions are greatly appreciated!!!

welcome to ology.
i will move this to the proper forum for you.

imo after pct and a few months off you should just run 500-600 mg of test eth or cyp a week for 10-12 weeks , no need to step up to tren this soon.

Thanks for the info! Two more questions...(1) where should I have posted this? (2) what do you suggest for my pct? Anything worthwhile at GNC?
Thanks for the info! Two more questions...(1) where should I have posted this? (2) what do you suggest for my post cycle therapy (pct)? Anything worthwhile at GNC?

Nothing that will seriously help your post cycle therapy (pct) at GNC. Look up some other members' cycles in the logs section to get some idea for what a proper post cycle therapy (pct) is like. What were your gains like on the prop, btw?
WTF. You finished the cycle and have no post cycle therapy (pct). Go to RUI or purchasepeptides and get clomid or torem run for four weeks
Clomid 50,50,50,50 mg per day four weeks
Torem 60,60,30,30
yes you should of already had your PCT on hand brother. really not a smart idea to wait until the end to find all this out. Do more research before you consider doing anything else!