Question bout making winny to take orally..


Marshmellow man
Ok, well if i am making Winstrol (winny) strictly to take orally.. is the BA and PS80 still needed? or could i leave them out? does it make a difference? I wont need to filter becuase i am strictly taking it orally only. and will it hold at 100mg/ml?
another question, will i be able to dissolve Winstrol (winny) in EO? and will that be ok to take orally? i dont think i have peg around just wanted to see if that could be a substitute.. and would i put just as much as i would peg? or more/less? thanks
I think if you are taking it orally, you only need oil. I would put 1%ba in there though, you never know how long you will be storing it, at least that's how I think.

Dougoe's the expert here, but he has this personal grudge against Winstrol (winny), so you might be waiting awhile for him to answer.
I keep olive oil in my cabinet above my stove and it doesn't need any BA. Good thing, too, because I've heard that BA tastes nasty.