Question for the masses


New member
Ok this I am asking this question for my sister. She is 27 and has been working out for Years. She is 5'3 a solid 117 and has less than 14% BF. She works out 5 - 6 days a week. I told her she is over training but she no listen to me. Anyway she is looking for some suppliments to really help sculp and tone not really bulk up. She wants to be even leaner. So I told her I would ask. Is there anything out there that is any good to get leaner and sculp? Thanks look forward to the replys.
The biggest variable is what shes eating. No supplement wiull lean one out if their diet is unacceptable. But off the top of my head, she may give something like green tea a try. It has a myriad benefits, increasing metabolism is one of the biggest. But its irrelevant without a solid diet.
Thanks yellowjacket forgot to mention that. Her diet is very solid. Eats high protien no sugar low carb. very healthy eater. Also she is a veg. so she only eats fish and veggies no meat. She does take a protien suppliment. Any other suggestions
I've known girls to take Winstrol (winny) to tighten themselves up. Do some reading for her. Look in the drug profiles - if she wants to go illegal...