Question on blasting continue more test or DECA while on TRT


New member
I am currently using a doc for TRT (200 test C 1x a week and MIC 2x a week) I did blood work 6 weeks ago and weeks ago and everything is good, so I decided to blast another 200 of Test C a week, I am currently in week 6 of this cycle....
Question is how long will / could it take for my blood work to return to "normal" before I need to do more blood work with my doc. I have not told him I am blasting.... IE I am in week 6 how long can I keep going and how long until I should stop before blood work again.... he likes to do it once every 12 weeks....Am I good running this for 8 weeks? should I try to put him off for a few more weeks?
Someone else told me to switch from the added test to DECA as it will not show up in my test level since I am already doing 200 a week what amount of DECA should be used if this is a good route...
Any help would be appreciated.

Delta Zulu
test cyp is not going to give you great results at anything less than 12 weeks. at 400mg it will probably take 2-3 weeks to clear, but it's a guessing game. Adding deca will not show up on blood tests so it may be a good option. if you are going to stick with blasting test, you're going to need to push your appointment another month or so away, i'd play it safe though.
I will try to push it away as I want to get the most out of this... How much DECA should I do? I know less than the total test but where to go? Anything else I should be doing / adding / not doing?

Delta Zulu
you can run deca higher than test. 400mg/wk is a good starting point. as long as you watch your e2 and prolactin you won't have any deca dick related issues. make sure you have an AI to control your e2 and a dopamine agonist just in case, for prolactin.
The time it takes for you to return to levels that won't raise an eyebrow is dependent on the dose. I usually can return to physiological values within 5-6 weeks, but as your dose is on the lighter side, you might be good by week four after dropping back down.

Take the guess work out though, and order a private test the week prior to your scheduled one. If you pop high on the private test, you still have time to reschedule for a few weeks out due to that pesky "family emergency". ;)

Deca is a good way to get away with using AAS as it won't show up on the panel, but remember that it does aromatize and may increase blood pressure/other vitals. Plan accordingly.

My .02c :)
I want to thank everyone for helping out here... I will keep going with my cycle and possibly forget the deca this time around. I will put off blood work for at least a month after I am done. Again, thank you to everyone for your help.

Delta Zulu
So deca is safe to take while on TRT without elevating levels?? I've posted a couple threads about this and everyone seems to be telling me differently... Help?
So deca is safe to take while on TRT without elevating levels?? I've posted a couple threads about this and everyone seems to be telling me differently... Help?

The only thing that nandrolone decanoate will elevate on a blood panel commonly used for TRT purposes would be free testosterone and estradiol. Free T *should* be at the upper end anyway as exogenous androgens decrease SHBG, and the use of an AI (if applicable) does the same. With lower SHBG, less testosterone is bound, bringing the number up.

As long as you control estradiol, that value should remain fairly consistent. Of course, if you don't use an AI for TRT, it would be in your best interests to get private tests to ensure whether or not a therapeutic dose of nandrolone requires AI use.

Note: The above relies on you actually pinning nandrolone, not testosterone labeled as deca/NPP. This is where getting that private blood work done before the doctor visit proves to be invaluable. :)
When I went in for my first assessment, my T was at 207, free T at 3.7, estradiol at 157. I'm 28/white/male/ex military/workout 5x a week/ all natural before test appointment. They started me at 200mg/week IM and will reassess levels in 4 more weeks to check these levels again. The test the doc did had just about everything on it, hematocrit, TT, free t, liver levels, kidney levels, estradiol, white blood cells count, etc. it was about a 3-4 page sheet. Before I decided to go get tested for low T, I had already purchased 20cc nandrolone, 2 test 200 cyp 10ml. I have 4 more weeks before I go back in for reassessment of T levels. I want to take the nandrolone so bad, because I have really bad pain in my joints. I love to run, but it kills my knees; but I do it anyway because I'm addicted lol. I've taken deca years ago, and I remember how much it helped my muscles and joints. I've been debating starting a cycle on top of my TRT, but like you said... There's no way for me to know its true nandrolone...
When I went in for my first assessment, my T was at 207, free T at 3.7, estradiol at 157. I'm 28/white/male/ex military/workout 5x a week/ all natural before test appointment. They started me at 200mg/week IM and will reassess levels in 4 more weeks to check these levels again. The test the doc did had just about everything on it, hematocrit, TT, free t, liver levels, kidney levels, estradiol, white blood cells count, etc. it was about a 3-4 page sheet. Before I decided to go get tested for low T, I had already purchased 20cc nandrolone, 2 test 200 cyp 10ml. I have 4 more weeks before I go back in for reassessment of T levels. I want to take the nandrolone so bad, because I have really bad pain in my joints. I love to run, but it kills my knees; but I do it anyway because I'm addicted lol. I've taken deca years ago, and I remember how much it helped my muscles and joints. I've been debating starting a cycle on top of my TRT, but like you said... There's no way for me to know its true nandrolone...

I also remember telling you to wait for your TRT to get dialed in. There is a level of trust that has to be built up with your doctor, and if you pop high on ANYTHING during the first year - you might be finding a note in your record, and off TRT.

There are the other obvious reasons to wait, but we covered those in your threads. I'd give it 6 months MINIMUM before you start adding stuff to your protocol; ESPECIALLY since it sounds like your doctor is quite thorough.
And I am doing just that. I'm talking about after I get my levels dialed in with TRT. For the moment, I'm just going to a low t clinic, but have an appointment with an actual endocrinologist that specializes in these things in 2 months. My brother has been going to him for a while now and the doc is prescribing him enough to keep his levels within the 1500 range. I'm going to see him, but he is 2 months back booked for appointments right now. He also gives you an Rx and let's you get the bottles in the pharmacy and not have to come in every week for a shot.
And I am doing just that. I'm talking about after I get my levels dialed in with TRT. For the moment, I'm just going to a low t clinic, but have an appointment with an actual endocrinologist that specializes in these things in 2 months. My brother has been going to him for a while now and the doc is prescribing him enough to keep his levels within the 1500 range. I'm going to see him, but he is 2 months back booked for appointments right now. He also gives you an Rx and let's you get the bottles in the pharmacy and not have to come in every week for a shot.

Sounds like you have a good plan in place, just stick to it - and you'll be able to play soon enough. Definitely stick around, the more you learn here, the better your future endeavors will be. ;)
It's hard sitting on 2 bottles of nandrolone and 2 bottles of test 200 cyp... lol. But I know that my future gains will only be better after the doc straightens out my testosterone levels.