question on how to make winny(oil-based)


drunken master

how do you make Winstrol (winny) that is oil based. can someone give me at least some instruction on doing so. and yes i know, there is such a thing as Winstrol (winny) oil based and it doesn't hurt at all(in regards to a source i have). but hey, i'd rather make the shit myself and safe some bucks and get more out of it, eh?

thanx everybody who helped.

-geoffrey :startrek:
put 1 gram Winstrol (winny) powder in a vial, add 3ml's super solvent.

Heat and swirl until COMPLETELY DISSOLVED (it must be completely dissolved, or your experiment will crash). You may have to get it pretty hot to get it fully dissolved.

Once dissolved, add 16ml's of oil, and swirl until well mixed.

Now heat slightly, and while warm (not hot) filter into a sterile vial.

This gives you 20ml's of 50mg/ml Winstrol (winny) in oil.

**Note: If you are following this recipe, DO NOT add any BA to this, or it will cause the Winstrol (winny) to crash.

** Another Note: super solvent available at
useful when bulking up?

is Winstrol (winny) really useful when you're bulking up?

is it useful or does any extraordinary effect when you are bulking up with test and deca?
old timer said:
is Winstrol (winny) really useful when you're bulking up?

is it useful or does any extraordinary effect when you are bulking up with test and deca?
Winstrol is incredibly synergistic w/ Test. Great combo for both size and strength.
AND Mr. T s solvents are tops!