question regarding injection


New member
Had a question that has proably been answered on here 1000 times, but just needed some info and people's expierence's for my own piece of mind. I'm currently doing a cycle of test prop. it is my first cycle ever and only done 3 injections. I've done plenty of research before starting my cycle and am aware of safe injection techniques. my first 2 injections however where performed by a friend who has done a few cycles. I had no dramas on my first and third injection but on my second injection I immediatly began to feel nauseated, dizzy, sweaty and went pale. i didnt watch the injection but my friend said he aspirated and that there was no blood in the chamber or from the site after the injection. i had no coughing or SOB post injection, but was concerned i may of hit or injected into a vein?
Yep you got some I'm you blood stream. I did it once. It's not fun to day the least! Make sure you aspirant before you start injecting. I learn every think the hard way too!
yeh was the worst feeling!... if thats the case, do you think it was a wasted injection then?
If he/you aspirated properly you have no worries. As stated above it sounds like nerves. How are you feeling now?
thanks for the feedback guys, appreciate it. but yeh well like i said, he told me he aspirated but i didnt watch the injection. feeling fine now.. was just a couple of minutes of nausea, dizziness and sweating. then sort of felt abit knacked for the rest of the day. im aware of the affects injecting into a vein can cause, such as an oil embulous but does anyone know of any prolonged, long term affects it can cause?
Alot to do with it can be nerves man, i had my own similar experiences for my first cycle.
steady breathing, be calm and try not to think about the needle too much.
You will become more and more comfortable with the process as you continue into the world of steroids.