Question to anyone who self medicates TRT urgent (already started)

I have another question guys..

as far as keeping estrogen levels down? because i'm going to be starting an actual cycle soon. What products should I get? I know I have no need for PCT but what would you recommend to keep estrogen down? And how much of it??

Also when i'm off cycle and at lower doses do you think I will have any problems with estrogen? Or mainly just during a cycle at 500mg/week?

Dude... no offence, but if you are going to self-medicate hormone therapy you really need to know all this. Anyhow...

You need an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) to keep circulating estradiol (e2) to appropriate/healthy levels. I hope you know about the aromatase already...
Arimadex or Aromasin are the usual choices for this. They are both AI's. Either will do. You will likely need more than one blood test to dial the dose in correctly.

Most people except the very lean usually need an AI on TRT dose. Not just for blasts.
When I ran 250 PW of test e, My bloods came back as about 812 ng/dl..

I was thinking TBH it should indeed be up near the 1200-1500 ng/dl range ATLEAST.

Isn't 812 more like 100-125mg PW?
When I ran 250 PW of test e, My bloods came back as about 812 ng/dl..

I was thinking TBH it should indeed be up near the 1200-1500 ng/dl range ATLEAST.

Isn't 812 more like 100-125mg PW?

It can vary a lot due to overall mass and metabolism. I would say most people are 1200+ on 250mg.