3j. . Is there one of these diets(the above/and the link that i sent ya) we've discussed, that in your eyes, would be easier to maintain bf levels, without any rebound/body shock so to speak? ofcourse maintaing good diet-lifting regimine
dont get complicated bud... pick a diet and stick to it.. make the changes in the diet u posted that i recommended and stick with it.. peoples bodies are diff u have to see what works best fo ryou
Also, u discussed the patatos/an insulin spike on "off" days. . . is this bad? Still wanna force feed the muscles on non training days no?
no.. ur body doesn't need that type of spike on off days... the spike is given at a time where ur body is gonna use all the nutrients pwo...
Third, the white rice comment(still not clear). That would be my last carb of the day correct? or u still say i need to add a complex carb, after the white rice if im lifting in the evening?
no... ur working out late in the day.. so it would be carbs pre and pwo.. ur last meal would have no carbs..unless ur last meal would be pwo
last, on my email: did u mean ANY lifting days carb up?