

New member
for 8wks a friend had been taking:
1cc of omnidrene 250 every two wks
30mg of anavar per day
1cc of deca per wk

sides have been back acne, deeper voice, stop of monthly period.
positives have been awesome muscle and wicked strength gaines.

she ended this cycle 2 wks ago, should she be using any post cycle therapy / and what would that be?
when should her period return?
could she get pregnant while on the juice?
what could she do about birth control while running a cycle with test & anavar?
Hi shehulk
i can only tell u wot i know from personal experience.
Im not sure about post cycle therapy (pct) to be honest as iv not needed to do it YET. Im lookin into it now for wen i finish my Sustanon (sust) cycle.
Glad She's made excellent gains
Her periods should return to normal in about 6 months time, could be sooner, could even be a year, but will return if she stays off the meds and she's got no medical condition.
She can stil get pregnant its a possibility, so best to use contraceptives.
She could use condoms,as these prevent not just pregnancy but std's.
i dont know about contraceptive medication as i dont know wot affect it'l have on her body after a steroid cycle.
not worried about getting pregnant after, wondering about during the Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) cycle.
I wouldnt take the risk if i were her, id still make sure i took precautions.
There's a possibility she can still get pregnant on cycle.
I was on a contraceptive pill while on dbol, but i dont know if it was effective or not, or whether it was that, that contributed to my high blood pressure at the time.
Condoms, u cant really go wrong wiv
keep bumping this thread....i'm sure you'll get a lot of good responses during the day tomarrow.