Quick post cycle therapy (pct) question


Quick PCT question

Alright, for instance, say I'm going to do either a 10 week test cycle, or a 10 week test cycle +4 week dbol frontload ... I've already got Proviron that I'm going to run starting week 2 into the cycle. I have a shit-ton of Clomid to run post cycle therapy (pct), and Nolva at hand if necessary .. as far as HCG goes, with all of the compounds that I'm currently using, do I absolutely NEED it for my post cycle therapy (pct) as far as getting my nuts back to regular size? Or will the Proviron during my cycle and the Clomid for post cycle therapy (pct) be enough by itself to get my nuts back up to size and keep the majority of my gains? I've just read a lot on the HCG and honestly .. one, I feel weird about injecting a pregnant womans urine into myself, dont flame me. And secondly, just the possible increased gyno sides from HCG make me not really want to do it. What do you guys think? Is it absolutely necessary to get the boys back to their normal state?
No, it's not "absolutely necessary" to get your "Boys" back up. My "Boys" don't seem to shrink at all with my cycles. Of course, my cycles are reasonable doses and duration. What's your test dose going to be? How long are you going to be on? Have you ever run cycles before? In all honesty, I have done cycles without HCG, with HCG ran throughout, with HCG ran in the middle and towards the end, and with it ran just at the end of the cycle. I didn't notice a difference at all from any of those scenarios in my recovery rate. I did not have blood work done constantly to see if there was a minute difference in returning my test levels to normal though. Think of HCG as a tool that you can use if needed. You will only know if it is needed by experimenting with different cycles and learning how your own body responds.
i have Sustanon (sust) 250, was going to run 500mg a week(10wk), and 25-30mg ED dbol(4wk). as far as my experience, i've been training for a little over 2 and a half years, the only thing i've ever run before was oral M-1T, two cycles late 2004 and early 2005. gained about 15 lbs total from the M-1t cycles that were only 4 weeks long .. been clean from any PH and never done an Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) cycle, but i've been reading forums and articles on steroid use and stacking for a loooong time now, so I figured i'd go ahead and take a "shot" at it. ;) I have Clomid on hand for post cycle therapy (pct) and im going to run Proviron starting at week 2 throughout the rest of the cycle.
Since this is pretty much your first cycle, I would not use HCG. See how the test alone, or with a little dbol added effect you. You can always try HCG in later cycles if you like to see if you notice a difference, and if you feel it will be worth the addition to your cycles. Have fun!
I always think running HCG during the cycle is a good idea, although it may not be "absolutely necessary".
not 100% required, but why rob yourself of the potential to recover much faster and keep more gains?
outlawtas2 said:
not 100% required, but why rob yourself of the potential to recover much faster and keep more gains?

I agree it works well for some, but it really doesn't seem to do a damn thing for me or several of my close friends that have used it. Each person is different and although its cheap, if I can get by with one less chemical in my body during a cycle, I'd rather do that. Are you doing long cycles or heavy doses when you notice it helping you recover?
How much Proviron should one use? I am 200lbs. Right click on my name & search my few postings & you will find my stack & bio details if you need them.