Quick question


New member
If someone has 40 grams of powder/ 4 different types-10 grams each..

I know that it's possible to order 4 10 gram conversion kits,,,,But is there a cheaper way? Canadain they run about 50.00 each.

Also....one wants to put them into vials....whats the best way of doing it without buying a crimper? What type of vials? If you get the Aluminum ones with the tear off seals.....how could you fill these without taking off the seals?
Check out http://www.eagleresearch.biz/page.php?pageID=4&osCsid=abd20771517117ee537e74a9934060ac, you can buy get a few kits for pretty cheap. Depending on what kind of dosage you're going to make you can get away with a couple bottles of the oil/ba/bb solution. As far as vials go you can buy sealed ones and just filter/inject the final solution into it. Check out this thread for some sites that sell vials http://www.steroidology.com/forum/showthread.php?t=46793. Or you can get it all from one site http://www.finakit1.com/ good luck.
screw kits bro buy the oil ba and bba speratel;y I'm pretty sure I know you form canadian boards pm me if you want and I'll try to answer your questions

but if can order form gypzcanada and buy the ba, bb and filters or check out lemelange.com

like i said I'm pretty sure I know oyu so pm me bro

I meant after it's filtered (whatman)...and It's in a jug...whats the best way to put it into 10 cc bottles and have it capped without a crimper?
third pic from the bottom on the link he gave ya. they are rubber and you press them in and fold te lips over the vial neck for an air tight seal. and they hold up way better than reg rubber seals.
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