Quiting Propecia


New member
I wanted to protect my shiny hairs while on cycle but after looking online and finding alot of negative info on propecia I am done!

My plan was to only take it for about 7 months just to cover my cycle and my post cycle therapy (pct) but I am quiting. I`ll go bald any day rather than have my pee pee stop working. I just hope that after 5 months of taking it its not alredy too late.
Did you notice any side effects in the 5 months that you were on it?.....my doctor wants to give me a prescription for it but I too have read alot of negative feedback about it.
I noticed no sides at all. But I`m on cycle so who knows if that may cover the sides. I found something where a guy claimed his nuts were atrophyed from it. then I started digging deeper and found lots of interesting(bothersome) info. But like I said, the web can be full of info that confuses you too.
ive been on it ohhhhhh.......7-8 months now and have no side effects that i am aware of. it is definitely helping IMO
ive been on it ohhhhhh.......7-8 months now and have no side effects that i am aware of. it is definitely helping IMO

Yeah it actually helped me too. After 3 months I could see fine little hairs growing in areas that were once barren. The big test was in the shower when I used conditioner.....before propecia I would run the conditioner thru my hair and when I looked at my hand I would see my hair all over it. After like 2 months on propecia I couldnt even pull hair from my head if I tried!! I was happy with that, even if no hair regrowed I was still keeping the hair I have.

Now some guys say they expierenced no sides.....like you & me. Then some others said that they would get a little loss of libido but would go away when stopped. Then other guys are saying that they used it for a short time and havent touched it in years and they are all fucked up from it. Like big time fucked up! Of course we dont know everything that these guys were doing or if they already had some kinda preexsisting condition and they are just blaming it on the propecia but.... it makes ya think otherwise.
I have ran many cycles. I included finasteride in the last two cycles I ran. With the last cycle I ran, about 10 months ago, I experienced significant issues post cycle. I had extreme prolonged libido loss (still recovering) and my testicles took about 9 months to grow back to somewhat normal size. Also, I had strange bouts of anxiety that I had never experienced before. I started researching and discovered that many men that had used finasteride experienced very similar symptoms.
Since I can not directly attribute my symptoms to finasteride, I decided to refrain from using steroids all together. I have recovered from most of the symptoms I was experiencing. All I know is that I don't want to go through that again.
I have ran many cycles. I included finasteride in the last two cycles I ran. With the last cycle I ran, about 10 months ago, I experienced significant issues post cycle. I had extreme prolonged libido loss (still recovering) and my testicles took about 9 months to grow back to somewhat normal size. Also, I had strange bouts of anxiety that I had never experienced before. I started researching and discovered that many men that had used finasteride experienced very similar symptoms.
Since I can not directly attribute my symptoms to finasteride, I decided to refrain from using steroids all together. I have recovered from most of the symptoms I was experiencing. All I know is that I don't want to go through that again.

Interestingly enough you mention that your testicles took 9 months to grow back.....well I`m on a current cycle of test and taking HCG 2x /wk and noticed that I`m still getting atrophy....Now, that just may mean that I should be doing larger doses of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), OR maybe its the finasteride??
I was taking hcg as well. Like I said, I can not accurately attribute what I experienced to finasteride. Being on gear, there are so many things that can cause adverse effects. But, like you, I read many reviews of men who took finasteride and experienced the exact same sides or worse. I'm not saying it was finasteride, but I am saying I won't touch the stuff again.
I was taking hcg as well. Like I said, I can not accurately attribute what I experienced to finasteride. Being on gear, there are so many things that can cause adverse effects. But, like you, I read many reviews of men who took finasteride and experienced the exact same sides or worse. I'm not saying it was finasteride, but I am saying I won't touch the stuff again.

I agree.
Do u use presciption shampoo with it? I hear it works better for regrowing the hair when u use it with propecia
I too am balding and will prob lose it all after this next cycle. But i wont use propecia just cause ive read it might lessen ur gains
I too am balding and will prob lose it all after this next cycle. But i wont use propecia just cause ive read it might lessen ur gains

Been using Nizoral 1% (otc) and T Gel.

I worried bout it lessing your gains as well but I asked a few guys on the board and they said it doesnt really hurt your gains.
Guys I've use Propecia (Proscar) for the past 16 years - every day without exception - 1.25 mgs per day

I started using it when the drug was in phase 3 clinical testing. I was a test subject in 1995. I was 25 at the time.

I can only tell you about my own experiences. I have never had any sort of side effect. I'll also tell you this, it is the only reason at 40 years old, I still have a rockstar head of beautiful hair.

You see, every male on both sides of my family was totalyl bald by the age of 35. I'm not talking 'receeding' I mean Mr. Clean bald!

In 1994, I could tell my hair had started to thin around the hairline. Of course, this was at a time when I was still competing as a national-level body builder and I was running 700 mgs of test a week.

I was also working on my PhD at the time and I knew one of the pharmacy professor that was helping with the clinical testing of Propecia for MPB. He got me signed up for the clinical trials.

The trial lasted 6 months. Guess what, my hair stopped falling out. It was a huge relief to me. Even better, once I stopped running the 700 mgs of test, some of my hair actually started to regrow! That continued through the first year of using the drug. Today, my hairline looks like it did when I was 21 years old.

I would recommend Propecia to anyone who is concerned about losing their hair. As I mentioned, it is the only reason I'm not bald like the rest of my brothers, uncles, and father.

Guys I've use Propecia (Proscar) for the past 16 years - every day without exception - 1.25 mgs per day

I started using it when the drug was in phase 3 clinical testing. I was a test subject in 1995. I was 25 at the time.

I can only tell you about my own experiences. I have never had any sort of side effect. I'll also tell you this, it is the only reason at 40 years old, I still have a rockstar head of beautiful hair.

You see, every male on both sides of my family was totalyl bald by the age of 35. I'm not talking 'receeding' I mean Mr. Clean bald!

In 1994, I could tell my hair had started to thin around the hairline. Of course, this was at a time when I was still competing as a national-level body builder and I was running 700 mgs of test a week.

I was also working on my PhD at the time and I knew one of the pharmacy professor that was helping with the clinical testing of Propecia for MPB. He got me signed up for the clinical trials.

The trial lasted 6 months. Guess what, my hair stopped falling out. It was a huge relief to me. Even better, once I stopped running the 700 mgs of test, some of my hair actually started to regrow! That continued through the first year of using the drug. Today, my hairline looks like it did when I was 21 years old.

I would recommend Propecia to anyone who is concerned about losing their hair. As I mentioned, it is the only reason I'm not bald like the rest of my brothers, uncles, and father.


Wow! Thats amzing!! See, when I read this kind of stuff I wanna hop right back on and start regrowing my hair!! Now, your a success story but what do you say about the negative reviews about the drug? Apparently alot of people have some serious problems out there and they are contributing it to the drug.
I've talked to a lot of folks about Propecia - other PhDs, MDs, and tons of users.

Hell, after 16 years, I might be the longest continual user of the stuff around.

Of the folks with whom I've spoke who expressed that they had some side effects, the one that seems most common is gyno.

Now, I've heard that reported by 5 -7 different people in the 16 years I've used the stuff.

There is no question that this is very possible b/c I know when I started using Propecia, my total and free test levels actually went up do to the fact that the drug inhibits the conversion of test to DHT. That means that their is more test available for conversion to estrogen.

There is a valid biological process to support the occurrence of this side effect.

Now HERE IS THE BIG PICTURE, so many folks with whom I've spoke that claim side effects ARE ALSO TAKING A BUNCH OF OTHER DRUGS BESIDE PROPECIA.

Sorry for shouting that but so many people just blame this or that for whatever side effect they experience. When I talk to these folks, I eventually find out they were using Propecia, and a statin, and blood pressure meds, and anti-depressants, and smoking 2 packs a day,and drinking regularly, and using juice but they know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was Propecia that caused the side effect!

So, I not saying that side effects are nonexistent, just that most folks attribute all kinds of stuff to Propecia b/c it is a convenient target.

I mean, all the other good crap they are putting into their body couldn't have anything to do with it at all, right?
"find out they were using Propecia, and a statin, and blood pressure meds, and anti-depressants, and smoking 2 packs a day,and drinking regularly, and using juice but they know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was Propecia that caused the side effect!"

Yes exactly! I read this one guys blog & he said he only took it for two weeks & he was all screwed up from it. I quickly disregarded that b/c I figured there must have been other shit goin on w/ this guy.

Just for some info here; I have not takin propecia for a month now and all those tiny little fine hairs that started growing in around the 3rd month of taking it.......are still there! When I do my "hair test" (while in the shower I actually pull on my hair to see how much comes out) I`m still only getting a follicle or two . I know that the drug has a long half life but damn!

So in my opinion w/ this drug....if your looking to maintain what you have, not regrow in areas that are barren,just keep what you have, you may be able to take the dose every other day or even every three days and cycle it on and off say; 5 or 6 months on & at least a month off or more. Of course I am basing this on me solely and may not work for everbody else.

Just an observation but I never see advertising for Propecia. Not for prostate or hairloss. I have seen Advodart ads though.
You would figure with so many men losing hair they would advertise the shit out of it....I wonder why they dont?
"find out they were using Propecia, and a statin, and blood pressure meds, and anti-depressants, and smoking 2 packs a day,and drinking regularly, and using juice but they know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was Propecia that caused the side effect!"

Yes exactly! I read this one guys blog & he said he only took it for two weeks & he was all screwed up from it. I quickly disregarded that b/c I figured there must have been other shit goin on w/ this guy.

Just for some info here; I have not takin propecia for a month now and all those tiny little fine hairs that started growing in around the 3rd month of taking it.......are still there! When I do my "hair test" (while in the shower I actually pull on my hair to see how much comes out) I`m still only getting a follicle or two . I know that the drug has a long half life but damn!

So in my opinion w/ this drug....if your looking to maintain what you have, not regrow in areas that are barren,just keep what you have, you may be able to take the dose every other day or even every three days and cycle it on and off say; 5 or 6 months on & at least a month off or more. Of course I am basing this on me solely and may not work for everbody else.

Just an observation but I never see advertising for Propecia. Not for prostate or hairloss. I have seen Advodart ads though.
You would figure with so many men losing hair they would advertise the shit out of it....I wonder why they dont?

Your new regrown hairs will stick around for a while. Hair loss is the result of a cumulative effect of DHT scaring the follicles over time.

Another thing - from a pharmacological perspective, I would think that EOD or E3D would not be as effective as the half-life of Propecia is actually pretty short - 4.8 hours give or take individual metabolism.

Propecia Clinical Pharmacology Propecia

Lastly, they don't advertise any more b/c Propecia is now available in generic form and most big pharm will not advertise for a drug beyond the patent period. Their business models typically show it to be a very poor ROI to do so.

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I wouldn't touch anything that inhibits the DHT conversion with a 10 foot pole. Propecia is the little sister of Finabastard, and the sides are downright nasty in a lot of people. In some people the enzyme for DHT conversion just gets totally inhibited even after they get off it. You might as well have someone pull the plug on all your personal power rather than let something like that happen. I am extremely sensitive to anything that inhibits DHT conversion. I don't run big cycles though or live on adrenaline so my hairline isn't going anywhere.