QV enanth, 50cc jug, lot 004?


New member
Just started this a couple weeks ago... anyone else on it? seeing good results?

Just wondering if it may be a bit underdosed... cause if it is I'm gonna start using a whole lot more.lol
I just finished a vial of their 10ml Enan., and believe it was the same lot. # as the one you just mentioned bro. It worked fine, but was a tad on the painfull side imo. I really liked the TT 200mg Enan. product, but we all know where those went. Too bad. Greed eh?!
All QV's stuff tested pretty close to the accurate dosage, I have always had great results on all QV gear. The Enan. may cause a little discomfort on some batches, but mix it with EQ and you will be good to go!
thats what I wanted to hear... thanks for the responses. So far I've managed to deal with the pain.lol
I'm about to start 1000mg a week. I will update!

I think you need at least that much per week when it comes to QV Enanthate. Myself as well as a couple of good friends all used QV enan. all of them different lot or batch #'s some were 10ml some 50ml jugs and none of us got much from it. I thought it was just me, btw I was running 500mg but when others started reporting the same thing Im starting to not like QV.:mad:
projection said:
I think you need at least that much per week when it comes to QV Enanthate. Myself as well as a couple of good friends all used QV enan. all of them different lot or batch #'s some were 10ml some 50ml jugs and none of us got much from it. I thought it was just me, btw I was running 500mg but when others started reporting the same thing Im starting to not like QV.:mad:

really??? it worked great for me. but then again I was stacking d-bol and EQ with it.

test and eq were QV
d-bol was Loeffler
yep first time ran it with fina, got great results from the fina but not much from enanthate. I know when Im on test, because its the most awesome feeling in the world.:D Later three other friends of mine (all with different bottles at different times) didnt feel like they got much from it. Im not bashing QV, and I know we respond to other gear just not the enan.
I just shot 3cc's in my left quad....bring on the pain!!!

I handled t-400...I should be able to handle this!!
I just shot 3cc's in my left quad....bring on the pain!!!

I handled t-400...I should be able to handle this!!

You did T-400 in your quad???? Are you a descendant of Albert Fish by chance?? You aint right bro. :p
SkedMedz said:
You did T-400 in your quad???? Are you a descendant of Albert Fish by chance?? You aint right bro. :p

Yeah, it kind of felt like Tony Saprano went to work on my knee!

I got through it!