R.I.P Classy Freddie Blassie

Anyone remember Jake Roberts attacking Randy Savage with his pet Cobra. That was scary........... at the time.
You guys ever see that movie Behind the Mat (or whatever it was called)? They showed Jake the Snake, he was wrestling in some shitty ass league and he was all fat, it was depressing to watch.
Lets not forget Dino Bravo. He was gunned down gangster style. He was involved in a cigarette smuggling ring.

prl said:
Anyone remember Jake Roberts attacking Randy Savage with his pet Cobra. That was scary........... at the time.

Yup. I still remember watching that. Talk about making an impression on a kid's mind.
SpikeyLizard said:
Yup. I still remember watching that. Talk about making an impression on a kid's mind.

Hahaahhaha. I found that shit really weird too.
BiggieSwolls said:
Kinda off topic but does anyone remember when Jake the Snake made his debut on Saturday nights main event and made the JYD puke after he put the snake on him?

Even some of the most hardcore wrestling fans I know cant remember that whole episode.

Biggie, Are you sure it was JYD? I remember when the snake choked George Wells, he was an ex canadian football star and he started puking. The one I'm thinking of happened in wrestemania II or III. Wells was a black guy too, but maybe I just never saw that one. I loved Saturday Nights Main Event, especially when Hogan, Warrior and Mr. Wonderful were on there. I'm sure you can do a search under George Wells and find it or JYD and SNME. I loved wrestling then and didn't miss it.