Raised hcg levels while on test alone.


New member
I got my bloods back and everything looked good except I had raised hct levels while only on 200mgs of test a week. I thought this only tea
Ly was a problem while running eq. Little help please.
Nope. It is a problems with all AAS. And guys on TRT have to manage it. You need to donate blood to lower your HCT.
Nope. It is a problems with all AAS. And guys on TRT have to manage it. You need to donate blood to lower your HCT.

Yeah that's what they told me was to donate a pint. I just started trt. I did a summer bulk then did trt which for me is 200mgs/wk. ive been on that now for bout 8 wks. Did bloods bout two weeks ago. My test is like 1040 ! Thought that is pretty good for just 200mgs/wk
I got my bloods back and everything looked good except I had raised hct levels while only on 200mgs of test a week. I thought this only tea
Ly was a problem while running eq. Little help please.

It is something to be aware of. Mine was up to 57. I was running a cycle of 850mg test cyp ew. It took six weeks of dropping 500ml a week to get it to 45. Thats 3 liters.

The older you get the more important it is to stay on top of what is going on in your body. Not to say a 25 yo can't have a stroke or MI as well.
It is something to be aware of. Mine was up to 57. I was running a cycle of 850mg test cyp ew. It took six weeks of dropping 500ml a week to get it to 45. Thats 3 liters.

The older you get the more important it is to stay on top of what is going on in your body. Not to say a 25 yo can't have a stroke or MI as well.
Thanks bro. Yeah I get my bloods done regularly and this was the first time mine was high. I'm going to drop a pint adjust get it tested again. I just wasent aware that it can be raised on test alone. And m in my low 40s !