Ran first cycle, after three shots, i quit.


New member
Hi. Im 28 and i ran my first cycle like this.

300mg of primo a week
100 mg of winstrol a week

Shot in the glutes

My first shot was ok. I felt a little dizzy, warm and excited.

My second shot was ok no problems.

My third, i felt pain when introduced the needle, didnt aspirate.

24 hours later i woke up hyperventilatin, racing pulse. Ignored it. Went to the gym.

The s.ymptoms didnt go away. That was a friday, all weekend i felt panic, little depressed, and super mega worried. Specially reading a lot of forUms. I started to think i injected oil into my bloodstream, or something else went wrong.

Monday i went to the er, had an electrocardiogram, urinalisis, blood test, also a blood test cheking for an enzyme that is a precursor for a heartattack, also a chest xray.

All test came back fine. My dr said that i was fine and it could be side effects of the steroids (yes i told him) and/or anxiety. Im taking tribulus, multi vitamins, and doing my regular gym routine and trying not to be worried about it. I feel a tiny bit better. But when i chill watching tv or sleep, my chest feels tight and my breathing is fast and short. Also my sex drive is down somewhat. I still get an erection but not the horny guy i was. Im very worried i did some long term damage to my heart or lungs. Also i feel dizzy sometimes... Specially if a deep breathe.

Im 6'00 173lbs.

Ysterday i woke up with my heart pounding.

My question is
Will i get better?
Im a very pro health. I feel i made a mistake. I was under the impression primo was mild. Also winstrol can damage your joints? Wtf!
At the gym i do fine... Maybe 10-15% less endurance.. Itsdriving me nuts
I did not read enough before starting.
Should i be taking something for this?

Please help! Sorry for the english im from PR
How can you be sure primo was in the vial? it could be something else. Also that Winstrol (winny) dose is pretty high. if you went to the doc, just keep following up with him. How would any of us know if you will get better? We don't actually know what was in the vials.
The source war very reputable. It said nova farmaceuticals. It cost me 120 dollars a vial. Also, a friend in the gym is taking the same and he has not experience anything bad. I know it does not make it 100% sure, but ill asume it. If not, well what CAN it be? Any experience with this? Im exploring all angles.

I know you wont know if i get better, but i was asking out of experience from you guys. If someone had a similar situation.
How is your blood pressure? When I'm on cycle, mine always goes up sky high. And if I dont take extra BP meds, I get dizzy as well.
You need to aspirate before injecting. Have you done any research on proper ways and sites to shoot?

The Nova line that I know about is good shit.
Winny dose was high? I was under the impression that it was low... 50 mg two time a week. I read that typical dosage was 25-50 mg a day.
My blood pressure was high in the er. 140/82 i know its not that high, but ive been training for 5 years in cross fit, marathons, strenght training you name it and my normal blood pressure was always 110-116/55-60. I have a bp monitor in my home and it reads 120/70 ... S to answer your question, yest its ok

Proper dosage techniques, i read upon them after my third injection.. Yes i know it was stupid. The last injection was a little bloody. I used a 1.25 inch seringe and went all the way. I was worried about oil but the dr said that if i had an embolli, i would have been far worse or dead.

Forgot to mention... I sometimes get a little dry cough but i feel like mucus in my lungs want to come out, but does not. Anyone experience this...

Thank you for the replies and help by the way! :)
Try not to worry bro I've been feeling the same and had to stop also. Some of us just ain't ment for aas. I've been getting anxiety since my 3rd week on test. Just get on post cycle therapy (pct) and try and keep busy. It should pass.
Try not to worry bro I've been feeling the same and had to stop also. Some of us just ain't ment for aas. I've been getting anxiety since my 3rd week on test. Just get on post cycle therapy (pct) and try and keep busy. It should pass.

Thanks bro! At least im not alone... What are your symptoms exactly? Thanks for the reply
Did a test of total testosterone... The resul is 48 ng/dl..... Thats extremely low...!!! Two weeks after last shot... What should i do?