i am no expert. posted my own pics yesterday and as you can see i have some of the same issues. not so much with tris but with upper chest. for years i just did flat bench and my upper chest and front delts suffered. for the last year or so i do lot's of incline benching, fly's, dumbell presses and cable cross overs. i have made good progress but have along way to go. what are your goals? how much weight do you want to gain. you look like you are lean naturally. if size, mass, and dense muscle are your goals. fuck the cut and eat, eat, eat big, big, big. obviously keep it in check if you star getting a little pudgy and don't like it change things up. but for a lean guy, YOU WILL NEVER GET BIG TRYING TO STAY LEAN. imo. easy on the cardio unless your a mma fighter or in some other sport.