Rate Please (Upper Body - Back)


New member
Been hitting the back alot and the diet properly and cutting down some of the old fattyness. realise ive got a lot to still go before am satisfied in size and cutting etc but would just like some info on were, what and how basically

Age: 22
Weight: 195lbs
Height: 6ft/185cm
I would saythat you are exactly half way there.

you are lean
Nice back width.

Triceps are lagging-make them a priority
Pecs need more depth and work upper pec as well
Your torso is long so it is a bit decieving however I can see that you have put some serious time into working out.
Delt size will help offset the long torso and add needed width to shoulders and overall visual presentation.

You are on your way and doing well.

Will be interesting to follow your progress.
off to a good start. and your only 22, meaning you have your whole life ahead of you to create the physique you want. everything looks good. would have to agree with pickle bunny. don't forget them legs.
Thanks for the comments, i am finding it difficult with the triceps and chest depth, i dunno maybe genetics with the chest, never been happy with the chest!

Do you think a bulk is required or maintaing the cut atm?

any ideas for workouts towards shoulders, chest and tri's
i am no expert. posted my own pics yesterday and as you can see i have some of the same issues. not so much with tris but with upper chest. for years i just did flat bench and my upper chest and front delts suffered. for the last year or so i do lot's of incline benching, fly's, dumbell presses and cable cross overs. i have made good progress but have along way to go. what are your goals? how much weight do you want to gain. you look like you are lean naturally. if size, mass, and dense muscle are your goals. fuck the cut and eat, eat, eat big, big, big. obviously keep it in check if you star getting a little pudgy and don't like it change things up. but for a lean guy, YOU WILL NEVER GET BIG TRYING TO STAY LEAN. imo. easy on the cardio unless your a mma fighter or in some other sport.
i am no expert. posted my own pics yesterday and as you can see i have some of the same issues. not so much with tris but with upper chest. for years i just did flat bench and my upper chest and front delts suffered. for the last year or so i do lot's of incline benching, fly's, dumbell presses and cable cross overs. i have made good progress but have along way to go. what are your goals? how much weight do you want to gain. you look like you are lean naturally. if size, mass, and dense muscle are your goals. fuck the cut and eat, eat, eat big, big, big. obviously keep it in check if you star getting a little pudgy and don't like it change things up. but for a lean guy, YOU WILL NEVER GET BIG TRYING TO STAY LEAN. imo. easy on the cardio unless your a mma fighter or in some other sport.

well am weighing 195lbs so i am relatively happy with the size i am, maybe add 10 pounds whilst keeping the same lean. so a bulk is an idea!, i tend to do cardio empty stomach every morning but eat the calories back during the day. i do like eating big and getting big however. am not interested in being 240lbs huge, just really a good size with defenition all round, if that makes sense?
your a good size however, i personally think you would look better adding 10 lbs like you said. maybe even 215 or 220 would suit you well. all that being said sounds like your on the right track now. as long as you are making gains and don't plateau keep on keeping on.
your a good size however, i personally think you would look better adding 10 lbs like you said. maybe even 215 or 220 would suit you well. all that being said sounds like your on the right track now. as long as you are making gains and don't plateau keep on keeping on.

Thanks for the advice its helped clear things up a little. Like its been said my triceps and shoulders are lacking a little along with my chest, but i feel geneticly my chest is poor anyways. looking at my routines normally doing arms together, maybe splitting them up to the basic chest/tri's and back/bi's could help progress my arms further

i feel that even tho i am currently eating under what i should ive lost shed loads of bodyfat and maybe even gained a little size, any ideas on bodyfat %?
your pretty damn lean for regular training.(meaning not cutting for a show or somrthing) hell your bf% in your pics would be my goal for this summer. why do you want to be leaner than these pics right now? you look like your around 10% bf. the diet forum has some great advice that could help. ask 3j. everything i have read by him was on point.
Thanks for the comments, i am finding it difficult with the triceps and chest depth, i dunno maybe genetics with the chest, never been happy with the chest!

Do you think a bulk is required or maintaing the cut atm?

any ideas for workouts towards shoulders, chest and tri's

No --You need to bulk. Add 12 more lbs to that frame. Eat big, lift big rest big.

Look into different methods for training tris
...close grip bench, skulls, dips etc.
Everybody benches. Se what you can accomplish with dumbells.
Change the angle on your bench to magnify different areas of your chest
Make SURE that you warm up well and use just moderate weights as you explore these new angles of stress on your muscle bellies and tendons. Once dialed in add the weight.
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Everything looks pretty good.

Whats with that back double bi shot?? LOL, practice that...your just squeezing together, you gotta open it up.
looks good man. what helped me with arms was training my bi's and tri's at the same time.....one set bi's, one set tri's......just me though. and i think you can forget the cutting, you are lean as hell bud. wish i was that lean. as far as shoulders go, just be careful!!! i have had 4 surgeries two on each shoulder because i was a careless kid trying to get big.....
Nice progress. Doing a strong bulk for 3-4 months would be the perfect way to go for you. You need to add some thickness to your arms and chest (hence the bulk cycle).

I would suggest TEST/Deca cycle for 16 weeks should get you off to a good start.

Look forward to seeing new pics in 3 months!!!!!!!!!!!! Focus hard on your chest and arms.