RE: Clear homebrew turns cloudy after heating


New member
RE: Clear homebrew turns cloudy after heating

Hi... thanks for reading a newbie's post!

I just completed making my homebrew with Fina. Everything came out great and the sterile vial was nearly filled with a golden, clear oil. Per a number of articles, all recommend some type of heating to insure sterilization.

I took my vial and put it on a cookie sheet, baked it at 250 for 1 hour. Once it cooled, it turned a bit cloudy.

I suppose I have a couple questions:

1-) I've used it twice with no pain and/or infection. I have to assume it is sterile. Is there additional risk by continuing to use the cloudy oil?

2-) Should I get another sterile vial and completely refilter the contents of the first? Would another heating cycle be necessary?

The articles on this forum have been a great help! Keep up the good work!

Thanks for your help!

An update to my previous post! About a week after I wrote the above, dark red/rust colored solids began to collect at the bottom of the vial. As time passed, more of these particles collected and the brew became more clear as each day passed.

In the kit used to brew the Fina, there was a .45um Whatman filter. I purchased new vials and .25 Whatmans. I refiltered the contents of the cloudy vial through the .25 (took about 40 min per 50 ml vial). What resulted was a perfectly clear, golden colored oil. The Whatman filter turned rust colored, letting me know that it had caught the particles.

It's been 4 days since the refilter and the vials of Tren/Fina are as clear as on the first day.

The next time I brew fina, I'll heat it after it's been dissolved and the oil added, then let it sit for at least 24 hours. I may filter twice just to make sure the oil doesn't cloud up again.

I hope this helps to clear things up a bit, especially for newbies just trying this for the first time!