re-using water bottles??


New member
is it at all unsafe to reuse water bottles, like the evian or naya ones that you can recycle? ive heard it is because the plastic is only suited for one use, but i have a feeling this is said to get you to buy more. any info?
i reuse plastic bottles all the time, especially the plastic gallon milk jugs! just rinse and clean....i use em till they are unusable anymore!
You can reuse them, sure, but avoid it if you can. Nalgene bottles are a lot more stable...just don't clean them with any harsh cleaners. It's possible that the plastic from normal bottles gets in the water, and that's NOT a good thing. It can reduce testosterone levels since the plastic has an affinity for the testicles.
I've been re-using my plastic bottles until they are unusable for years now and only one of my testies has fallen off. lol lol?? But I have never had any problems, I just make sure and rinse them out.
budrau said:
I've been re-using my plastic bottles until they are unusable for years now and only one of my testies has fallen off. lol lol?? But I have never had any problems, I just make sure and rinse them out.

Won't make them fall off...just reduce testosterone levels and fertility.
For the most part, re-using plastic water bottles is fine. The only concern is bacteria grows in water very rapidly. So ALWAYS wash them after use and keep them refridgerated. Never leave them in your car on warm days and if its necesary to do so, keep them in a cooler. You must remeber everytime you sip on your water bottle, bacteria from your mouth is getting washed into the bottle. Moist, warm environments are bacteria's best friends.
