Real Or Fake? Test 400 Bulker 600 Various DBOL


New member
A few weeks ago i was taking the test 400 along with 50mg dbol a day (the xtreme pharma dbol an the methandrobol) shown in the pic an did gain about 12-14lbs in around 5 weeks then came off with no pct but ive not really expirienced any side effects whatsoever even without taking pct after coming off do you think these were real or just a placebo effect? an also the lexicon dbol ive just purchased thats the exact logo on the tub an from what ive read on that page they don't manufacture steroids :s help please :)
man if u got results im pretty sure it was legit . Did u have any increase in libido , acne , aggression strength , bloat ? you should have noticed something that indicated a change . For me the strength that eventually kicked in gave it away , and the acne that I never usually have . Howeevr don't mistake it for diet . Some people trying to bulk eat a lot more , and yes .... that's is always how u get bigger . u can take 3g of test deca whatever and not grow , because the only thing that feeds u and adds size is what u are eating . Also just because u don't feel that drained after the cycle with no pct ... that's not a sign that I would take as legit or not for gear .And I mean , why didn't u pct anyway ? big risk u took there imo. U mean u should feel more lethargic then when on , that's for sure , however , for myself coming off was that bad , and I think resting helps a lot . I would try to get bloods done as the best option , See where ur levels are at . That would give you a for sure . If that gear was legit and u are now off with no pct , that's going to be real bad for ur system . and probably lose whatever if not all that u may have gained. u should never not do a pct to check if the gear is legit or not . that's the riskiest thing to to .
ok mate thanks ive been meaning to go the doctors for a while now to get bloods done before i do the rest of this cycle. what exactly should i say? i dont mind saying yano 'ive took steroids without pct bla bla..' but if there's a way around it then ill go that way
I haven't personaly had to go through with that so im not sure . However u can try to tell him u have symptoms of low test so that he may refer u a test . tell him u feel tired a lot , u have low sexdrive/libido , that uve been training and u notice u haven't been making gains like u used to ... something like that , and hopefully it may ring for them that u may need to get a blood panel for test levels etc done . or another approach is u can just say u have experimented with / are thinking or experimenting with prohormones and want to see where u stand before hand .