Really need all the help i can get....


New member
So have done a few cycles im in my twenties, been off for about two years. Zero morning erections, hard to maintain an erection, low low libido still have slight atrophy in left testicle etc.

Had lab work done....

total testosterone:595 Range 350-1030

FSH:2.3 Range 1.0-8.0

LH:3.0 Range 2.0-12.0

Prolactin:10.4 Range 2.6-13.1

Free test: 2% Range 1.5-2.2

Free test 80 Range 35-155

Doctor (Sports medicine doc) says, im in normal ranges, just not normal for my particular age. He says even with PCT the body can take a while to recover. He wants me to wait six more months before he starts a HCG/Nolvadex. Whats your guys thoughts/opinions etc....
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Not NEARLY enough info dude...what was your cycle? How long, what are your stats? Are you over 16%bf, if so you could have very high estridol levels...its not test levels that effect libido is your test to estro ratio that ultimatly dictates how cockstrong you are....go back to the sticky and read about the HTPA. Just not enough info, go get your estro levels checked. If they are high then tidy lil 8 - 12 week nolva, arimidex, HCG (for a week or so) might help out but you gotta know more info bro.
Your values look good, there is no reason for you to take Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) or tamoxifen, ask your doctor about the side-effects of theese, I strongly doubt he is planning to start that kind of treatment.

I don't think the problems you are experiencing are because of your testosterone levels, I think it might be psychological. Are you under a lot of stress? experiencing depression?

No not much stress or depression. I do have a hard time getting an erection. I also dont have morning wood, ever. I dont think about sex and dont really have an interest. Only way i can get hard is by lots of stimulation. He said my levels may be normal, but from my side effect im having i was probably a very high normal before steroid use.
I read everything I could about low sex drive in men. According to WebMD - "a man should not notice a decrease in sex drive before age 50". I did at 43. Had low testosterone. A shot every two weeks fixed me right up. then it went away a little. it WAS the estrogen - need an anti-estrogen. Fixed it in 2 weeks. At 44 on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) - I still get wood every morning and I sleep with a cat.
you could try an herbal supp. i worked at GNC a while back ppl bought them pretty regularly, enzyte was most popular