Recent pics........................

Long story.short, well.found out the hard way
Went.over there and found out some.other dude was in her place, fuck lost my mind.and went on a total.rampage, was ramming the door and got it open but.the latch thing and they were both putting there weight on the door, and buddy called the cops, fortunately.enough the Cops showed up here but no charges were laid, Thank.god
Well that's my ending.of a 4 year relationship down the pipes and feel like.God awful shit as my 2 year old daughter was In the place.too hoping to god.that I don't get replaced as the father this is.killing just thinking about some.other dude in there
It can.take.a.big dude.and
It's what I shit

Aw dude sorry to hear it.

Hey you had a shit fit because you care about her and your daughter fuk it what's done is done all apologies this and that you didn't get busted no worries.

The best thing for you to do at this point is to act like you had your blow out now your over it and only focused on your daughter.

This will make you look good in the mom and the daughter's eyes so go ahead & turn it into something positive now.
It sucks bro.she.lied I just had that feeling
So I went over there and seen a vehicle.there,.and.seen in the house to as she around trying to find.out shit, sucks that she found out I was looming around as now I.look like some kind.of creep but I didn't wanted to know and went over there cause I had a fishy.feeling about it, and.low and beyold.he was thee, as he was the one that called the.cops as I told him to step out and wanted to talk to him.or.see him, and she said no.and then I snapped and the door down
Got the door open .but the only.thing that that point is a latch
Fuck I feel like.a aas and hurt
Awww fuck I even admit myself.i am.shrinking stress dealing with the exs.bullshit
Now today stating ithat wasn't another dude in there alone with her but her.friend.and his.fiance, and.then fb finding out which girl.i am.talking to and.messaging them.on fb.messager if we have fucked or not lol
To.much shit.going.on.and the gym has been effected.too
Listen, I know it's hard but you have to walk away from her. Women are like shadows. You walk and they follow, you start chasing them and they run away. Concentrate on your daughter and try getting back into the diet/gym. If she really loves you, she will follow, if not you have your daughter and that's what should matter the most. Good luck bud!

haha i was serious yea...i don't pay attention to bodybuilders much...but now that lee priest was makes sense...i guess the fact that he has olympian bodybuilder under his tag..i thought it maybe could be him
Listen, I know it's hard but you have to walk away from her. Women are like shadows. You walk and they follow, you start chasing them and they run away. Concentrate on your daughter and try getting back into the diet/gym. If she really loves you, she will follow, if not you have your daughter and that's what should matter the most. Good luck bud!

Thanks brother.much appreciated I.met a girl on Friday and she found out who it was and starting.messaging them.asking her questions like are u his gf, did u guys have sex ect ect, like wtf
And she like texted me.all day yesterday off and on asking questions like have u guys fucked,.maybe takes sometime off searching for puss and concentrate on yourself.shit
And I dunno but u guys think I
In mix thoughta,.u enough to start maybe a lean bulk or what or.keep.chopping away?
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What do u guys body fat is hovering around?
Like when I flex.I can abs visible
I.don't wanna drop to.much weight'10 at 193lbs now
Here you go Matt - without calipers or a BodPod this is the most accurate calculator Ive found . It was almost identical twice to the BodPod readings when I was 6%. You look 6-7%BF in those last pics . I would start alternating a month of bulking with a month of carb-cycling . This way you never get too fat or too skinny . Works for me . Goodluck .

Army Body Fat Calculator
I'd say 11% bf. You should pay 3J to help give you a boost with your diet and training. Good luck
That's when I abs they pop
I dunno.but getting my diet and training back on track starting today
191lbs as I dont like it lol
Long story.short, well.found out the hard way
Went.over there and found out some.other dude was in her place, fuck lost my mind.and went on a total.rampage, was ramming the door and got it open but.the latch thing and they were both putting there weight on the door, and buddy called the cops, fortunately.enough the Cops showed up here but no charges were laid, Thank.god
Well that's my ending.of a 4 year relationship down the pipes and feel like.God awful shit as my 2 year old daughter was In the place.too hoping to god.that I don't get replaced as the father this is.killing just thinking about some.other dude in there
It can.take.a.big dude.and
It's what I shit

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!! Sorry Mat but I am DYING. I could just imagine how red your face must have been when you were trying to take that door down HAAHAHAHAHA!What a savage!

Oh and if she already has another dude there, chances are she was already with him the last 1-2 months you were together AKA she was cheating on you. Sucks about your daughter but you have to move on
Who knows bro but she said it was a good friend of hers which I know and met before and he was supposedly over visiting as all I heard in the background when I was banging down the door is what's the number to.this place the cops and the. I freaked out even more
As I have asked her a million times and exspwcailly after that episode why would she still text me if she does have another dude
It is very mind bogling but she says she hasn't been with anybody or slept with noone
Meanwhile.if I add another she is all over top messaging them.asking are ect ect
Who knows bro but she said it was a good friend of hers which I know and met before and he was supposedly over visiting as all I heard in the background when I was banging down the door is what's the number to.this place the cops and the. I freaked out even more
As I have asked her a million times and exspwcailly after that episode why would she still text me if she does have another dude
It is very mind bogling but she says she hasn't been with anybody or slept with noone
Meanwhile.if I add another she is all over top messaging them.asking are ect ect

That's girls for you. Told you the jealousy thing plays a big role. I hate to say it but a lot of females lie their ass off. I do not know your ex but have a strong hunch that she was cheating on you and is still fucking that guy. Although she will never admit that even if you put a gun to her head because...well..that's females.
Need a total carb up day

Matt, when was the last time you donated blood? You're almost constantly red in your pics, which can be caused by high hematocrit, as red blood cell accumulation can be noticeable near the surface of your skin. As far as your female problems, I'm just going to say that you need to do a few things:

1. Learn to control your anger, don't let it control you. I COMPLETELY understand the amount of rage one goes through in that kind of situation, but going to jail isn't going to help you rejoin your daughter. Think about custody hearings in the future; any records showing you have anger issues will DESTROY your chances of having an unbiased meeting.

2. Think about the direction of your life. I don't remember what you're doing now for work, but try to focus on a sustainable and lucrative future. This will help you become a better father as you want to be there for your daughter both physically and financially.

3. Take a break from the madness. It's FANTASTIC that you're still focused on the gym as that will help you with #1. I often joke (people don't think I'm serious at least) that the gym has helped some folks stay out of the ground. It's actually true, as I do have quite the temper, but being able to ball all that rage up and spend it in one place keeps me cool. The problem is that hormones (especially tren) make things MUCH harder to control; it's not that there's any credence to 'roid rage', but that hormones do amplify what we're feeling. This is a bad thing when we're facing a crisis situation that we're heavily emotionally involved in. Perhaps it's time to cruise on your testosterone only so you can regain some perspective.

4. Remember that it's all about your child. Forget about your personal relationship with your ex, forget about men being over, forget about EVERYTHING but your little one. She is the one that will pay the ultimate price in all this, which is a tragedy if you allow it to be so. We men tend to make snap decisions that tend to carry heavy consequences, this is not the time to do so - pick yourself back up, put yourself back together, and move forward as best as you can. She will respect you and thank you for this later in life, I promise.

I hope some of this makes sense, as I've seen too many guys go onto a path of self-destruction when they didn't need to.

My .02c :)