Recent pics........................

Okay will.make a YouTube account
It's on the squat rack but on the bottom part so.I don't know if u want to classify it as rack pulls or what but it's like 2" above the floor from a regular dead
Reason I do them.there is cause the fn floor is uneven and the weights are hard to put on
Easy it knee when I squat
What about intagram. I have a new phone other one broke.and it's on there
But I do.have it.on my fb and Instagram I.just don't know how to upload
What about intagram. I have a new phone other one broke.and it's on there
But I do.have it.on my fb and Instagram I.just don't know how to upload

its all about links and how much privacy you want to your social network spots. Just copy and paste the link.
I would go donate, you're due regardless.

The best advice I have ever received in a situation like this is really simple:

Live each day one step at a time; don't dwell on the past, but live for the future.

I think that applies here as well.

Ok, enough serious stuff from me. Back to your regularly scheduled program. :wiggle:

Man, I turn red when I workout too. I think the last time I donated blood myself was...9/12/15 (logged it on my comp lol). Been almost 7 months.

Ran like 16 weeks of tren and been on 500 test for a while now.. I been wanting to donate for the past 3 weeks, but I keep putting it off cause things keep coming up and the place closes so early at 2pm...Either way, going to do it for sure tomorrow or monday..