Recommended SARM stack for bulking, strength, cardio endurance


New member
Please advise on the following:

Looking for recommendations for SARM stack for goals as follows:

strength gains
bulk gains
cardio vo2 enhanced/increase

I have taken osta orally a few months ago. Took it solo. Androgenix brand. I did get stronger, but I am looking for next step into SARMS. Very little sides, slight nipple burning week 6 or 7. Took care of it with Arimistane.

My stats:

42yo male
gym - 3-5 days a week with alternating Hiit training with TRX etc

Need to ramp up my cardio game - training for police academy entrance exams. Looking for SARMS to give me the next level up in the gym and on street while training.

Last Jan 2015 I took an oral Tren quad stack. Tren and I didn't get along. Test-e or Test-c will be in the mix soon as I am looking to find an endocrinologist to Rx me TRT etc.

Looking for best advise from others that have been down this road before.

Not sure if I should or could stack :

GW with SR9009 or should I run LGD solo? Or run GW with LGD? Suggestions?

Thanks in advance.
im not an expert on sarms or phs.. but whatever youre looking for.. look for the one that would increase your red blood cell count.. that will help your endurance
For me, I had the best results from a solo s-4 run. It gave me good strength. I leaned out a little, and my endurance was improved as well. I was training for a 10k while on it & I saw a difference out on the roads. I know when I was in the gym, I didn't want to leave!
Thanks for the replies! I did read up on s4, but was concerned because it seemed to have many reported sides to it. Nothing like AAS, but was concerned of long term sides. Mainly the ocular sides. Yj - did you experience any of the notable sides? I realize you are a sample size of one.

Any other thoughts? Can you comment on source for good sarms? pm me if needed.

Can you comment on a particular sarm I can run with Test E? I have appt with md next week. Being 42 I want to get on TRT. Thanks again.
Bulking-LGD (most anabolic) or ostarine (not quite as anabolic, but easier on the hpta)
Strength-s4...hands down the best sarm for strength
cardio endurance-gw-50...easy choice there. makes cardio a breeze and increases stamina like crazy.

I recommend the sarms triple stack...

with proper pct of course :)
GW has amazing results. I have used it as a test to see if it would raise my endurance, and it certainly did. Stopped during my illness - stopped EVERYTHING but my TRT dose until I was well...but I can vouch for the effectiveness of GW!
Thanks for the replies! I did read up on s4, but was concerned because it seemed to have many reported sides to it. Nothing like AAS, but was concerned of long term sides. Mainly the ocular sides. Yj - did you experience any of the notable sides? I realize you are a sample size of one.

Any other thoughts? Can you comment on source for good sarms? pm me if needed.

Thanks for the further input. Can anyone comment on the GW studies that show at all doses studied cancer cells proliferated in less than 6-12 weeks? When I saw them, it was a bit of a concern. It is newer, no long term track record, and GSK stopped production and didn't pursue the patent on it. I realize all PEDs of all flavors have some risk associated with them, however, GW seems to be the glaring turd in the punch bowl.

Can you comment on a good sarm I can run with Test E? Can I run any sarm and have successful cycle wit Test E? My diet and exercise schedule is fairly on point. I have appt with md next week. Being 42 I want to get on TRT. Thanks again.

Note: I am not trying to derail the thread, or be a douchebag. Just trying to be as informed as possible by asking questions. I want to be an informed safe user.