Recovery time


New member
Ive been training naturally every other day but i hear some peolpe train three days a week naturally to give their muscles a chance to recover the rest of the week. What is better working out every other day or three times a week???
i dont know i have the same question. i am also a natural but i lift monday to friday! i dont feel sore or tired so i guess my body can take it! i am seeing results but that can just be the difference of exercise vs no exercise. how do you know if you are recovered?
certain people can get away with lifting heavy every day but only for so some point you will hit a wall-usually most people at this point will add more volume (wrong choice)

3-day splits are definitely much better
I train EOD usually, but if I need an extra day of recovery - I take it. Simple as that - listen to your body - it knows best.. :)
it also depends on what sort of weights you are moving.

when I swapped to a PL routine, I found that I could only train 3 times a week ( 4 at best). Lifting heavy was destroying me. It wasn't that I was sore, more tired all the time.

My body needed the extra time out of the gym to recover
losses said:
i lift monday to friday! i dont feel sore or tired so i guess my body can take it!

Maybe you don't feel tired or sore, but you may be not growing or less than you could.
i work out sunday through thursday, sunday is chest (dumbells), monday is biceps, tuesday is triceps, wednesday back and shoulders, and thursday is chest (barbell) again if i feel recovered, if not i word on legs or just a mix of things. i have been doing this for about a month now, previously was every other day. i think i am growing more in my new routine, but feel much more fatigued than before. by the way i am not taking any supps. right now, but plan to very soon.
luquillo78 said:
Maybe you don't feel tired or sore, but you may be not growing or less than you could.

you might be right! i will soon do a 3 day routine! how long is a typical workout for you guys take?
inked1 said:
why don't you have a leg day yet you have whole days dedicated to bis and tris?

i don't have a leg day good enough to mention, because my right knee is in horrible shape...dr. says the cartlidge is trying to push out of the side of my knee, i have been taking some meds. instead of opting for surgery right now and i am trying to do some leg presses, but i'll have to see if i can handle a full leg day.
If i did not have a day for shirted and top end bench i would be using a three day split.
I agree

Blown_SC said:
I train EOD usually, but if I need an extra day of recovery - I take it. Simple as that - listen to your body - it knows best.. :)

That's simple advice..

well put to...

Train smart