Red Rash after Calf Injections terrible PIP


New member
Hey guys I'm on my 11 week of my sustanon cycle 540MG a week. I tried doing a calf injections which was a terriblen idea. The very next day I could barely even walk my calf felt completely locked up and was even pulling on my hamstring causing even more pain. When i went to bed i begin to feel sick like a super small flu and I got the cold chills. Now today 48hrs after the injection my calf is swollen and has a red rash. Just trying to figure out if this will go away on its own or if I should see a doc.

Any help or mind settling advice would be great. Thanks guys!!!
Lol, I tried a calf injection once.

ONLY once. :p

Give it a week, if things don't get better, hit up the doc for that nasty b12 injection gone terribly wrong. ;)

My .02c :)
Silly boy. Calves are needed to WALK e d and flex every time u use ur body to cross the room or cross the street.
I m not picking on you rather hoping other s will read ur pain and my warning. A thigh can be limped around with as well as a glute.
I promise to behave.

WHY.? Direct inject increase muscle size myth or...curiosity ?