Red/sore/hard injection site after Prop injection??


New member
Hey guys,

Just started prop and Anavar (var) cycle.(don't start Anavar (var) for 4 weeks though) , on my last pin on my right glute, which was the second on that site and third overall, the injection site is hard and quite painful!

I also woke up this morning feeling shitty like I had the flu! I was freaking out a little but after some research I gather some people can react this way to Prop (which is from BN nutrition )! I have run one previous cycle of Test E only with no problems!

I'm using the blue 1.25 inch needle, last cycle I usesd a green 1.5 - is that making any difference?

I originally thought I was feeling shitty due to the Aromasin killing my estrogen (taking 12.5 a day)but the red sore site and the flu is the prop surely?

What are my options here? Will my body get used to the prop or should I ditch the prop? is it the prop is something else?

Any help would be appreciated!

Do you massage the site after injection? I would go back to 1.5" needle to make sure it's getting good into the muscle. What you can do now is take a heating pad and put it on the injection site.
Thanks for the reply!

No I don't massage and after research I think I'm allso guilty of injecting too fast!

What's worrying me is with a fever and the red hardness below the pin site (which is a black spot now) I am showing all the symptoms of cellulites?

Should I see a doc or wait and see?
I have also had this many times before. It prob is just the compound. It should settle after a few more days. No more than a week or there may be another underlying problem. Pinning too quick can really set your muscle fibres. Have you tried heating the solution before pinning? I found a hot bath and massage after always helps. Glutes are always one of the sorer injection sites
Well that puts my mind at rest a little, cheerz.

I haven't taken enough care with my injections and clearly Prop is harsher than E for pinning (for me anyway) !

I'm due to pin the other cheek tonight? Should I hold off?
I would see a doc man, hard, red, painful, and a fever ! I'd be concerned about the fever personally
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I would see a doc man, hard, red, painful, and a fever ! I'd be concerned about the fever personally
a fever doesn't always mean infection. Some people have a bad reaction to the acid base in the prop or a bad reaction from the solvents used.
.if the injection site doesn't get better within like a week that may be a bad sign..
Apparently the fever can just be due to the inflammation. Of course if it gets worse i'll get it checked but the more I think about it, I used a short needle (considering I have a big ass), injected very quickly and it's my first experience with Prop, which is uncut.

I'm a little paranoid but I've seen enough of boards now to suggest this may well take care of itself. It's not agony, it's sore to touch alright but not incredibly painful and it's a very light shade of pink it doesn't look angry or anything.

If it does go away I'm just unsure what to do with the Prop now, don't want to go though this after every pin.
DC3A sounds spot on. Uve put a substance in your body that it will try to fight (oils etc) when its not used to a certain kind or its been a long time it can get very irritated and Ur immune system fights this. With being a large glute area there's a lot of this happening. Which is bound to bring up Ur body temp as this enables enzymes to work harder on Ur swelling and muscle inflammation. Give it a few days. It'll clear up m8 :b but do keep us posted
Cheerz guys.

I missed my jag today, just didn't feel up to it. Whats your advice - should I continue the cycle and tough it out or bite the bullet and get Test E, which gave me no issues on my first cycle?
Depends how quick you could get New test I suppose. I'd perhaps try doing the other glute and if the same happens there's something not right. Definately switch to test e then. How is the fever?
Could prob get it in a few days, I have pinned the other glute once before in this cycle and it was fine. Fever isn't terrible, just have a temperature, heart rate is up and I'm lethargic, tried to train today and it was very frustrating because I had to lift light!
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Tiredness will come from the fever. Sounds strange but I always have one glute sorer as the other also. If it were me I would try the prop in the other glute and if still sore may be a bad vial or Ur just not going to get along with propionate. I would then get some test e which you know from first cycle Ur body will accept. Hope all goes well. Keep us posted tho. Goodluck my friend.
Apparently the fever can just be due to the inflammation. Of course if it gets worse i'll get it checked but the more I think about it, I used a short needle (considering I have a big ass), injected very quickly and it's my first experience with Prop, which is uncut.

I'm a little paranoid but I've seen enough of boards now to suggest this may well take care of itself. It's not agony, it's sore to touch alright but not incredibly painful and it's a very light shade of pink it doesn't look angry or anything.

If it does go away I'm just unsure what to do with the Prop now, don't want to go though this after every pin.
Ask any vet, the proponic acid in prop can cause swelling and fever as well as the solvents used. IMO it doesn't sound like an infection. Also you said u used a short needle. If u don't get into the muscle and it goes sub-q it can cause some extra pain. Id keep using it and if the problem continues then prop may not be for you, or maybe bad gear..
Hardness is gone from injection site and its barely visible now, pain has nearly completely gone, if I tense its still tender but nothing like before - so I think its healing thankfully!

Jagged other side yesterday with green needle! I find the pinning itself sore and difficult with the green compared to the shorter blue but the pip today is near non existant, I also heated the gear injected slowly and massaged the site so it may be one of these factors or all of. the above. With that said. I pinned the sme site. 4 days ago with the blue with no problems so who knows!

Still have the fever but I'm now almost positive its from the Prop, I pinned yesterday and afterwords the fever was intense for about an hour then back to a mild fever, today I'm up and down but not terrible! My sex drive has increased big time, had wood yesterday and I thought I had taken viagra the fucker wouldn't go down!

So this is now my dilema/question and I would appreciate any input! Hpw long do I fight this fever? My training is suffering which is counter productive, my source will swap my Prop for Test E - was considering running Prop and E then dropping Prop when E kicks in? i ran E before with no probs! The constant pinning with Prop is also an issue I didn't research on site rotation etc and I'm worried ill lose more training time if I pin my delts which I'm guessing wony be pleasant! I can't use my right glute for a while and I just pinned the left yesterday! i chose Prop to cut because I thought it had less water retention but apparently it doesn't.

If the redness tracks upward on your body that means infection. Then you should see a doctor. If not just put heat on it and lightly massage the area. Take some benedryl and advil daily and this should help. Been in your shoes before and went to the doc. This is exactly what he told me and how to handle it.
I would just go with the longer ester since you have had success with it before. Use prop when u get a bit of cycles under ur belt then the pinning won't be an issue unless of course u here having a reaction to the prop. But man i lover me some prop, most powerful testosterone