From Red Star:
Tomorrow afternoon sometime over 4000 people/clients in Butters database will get an e-mail with an attachment to it. This will be the digital scan of a lab assay that was conducted this morning/afternoon on Red Star PrimoMAX 200 lot #ME-1A by an independent individual not associated with us, we had to find a bro with lot ME-1A which was the lot Wallace and crew said they tested for consistency sake and one bro had 2 left in his stash and totally was cool with volunteering one of them. ME-1A was the lot that was supposedly tested and we were told came out with not only ZERO methenolone enanthate but NO, ZERO, NADA, steroids at all . Again, this sample for this lab test was not provided by myself or Butters, that is to say, we did not send the PrimoMAX in to be tested, a client of ours did from his stash and he paid for the test. To be honest, I did tell him I would reimburse him for the test and replace his bottle of PrimoMAX with two bottles I have when I get home. He doesn't want to be inundated with a bazillion people asking him questions and I don't blame him so he blacked out his e-mail addy and the SET ID# on the report so he can't be identified and I am cool with that. Test was run at SRCS and we're getting the scan tomorrow. Results? 196.8mg/ml of methenolone enanthate. Wallace was right, I am not putting in what the label reads, I guess that makes me a scammer, eh? I mean, I labeled it at 200mg/ml and it only tested out to 196.8mg/ml so I guess I owe everyone 3.2mg/ml x 20ml per bottle = 64mg per bottle or $3.20 refund per bottle (about a nickel per mg is the price).
I am such a dickhead for scamming everyone who bought PrimoMAX 200 out of 64mg per bottle. I'll correct this error and call it PrimoMAX196.8 instead, OK, William? Will this make you happy now?
This is not my test or my scan so I am not posting it here or anywhere for that matter, because it was sent as a graphics file to me and there is no letterhead or signature on it. I guess this is how SRCS reports shit out initially now, though I have never received stuff from them this way, just in the mail on their letterhead. So in that regard, I truly do owe William Wallace an apology, his lab assay could be a real assay despite it not having a letterhead or signature. Regardless, I am not posting the assay here on a public board but I am going to post the assay WE sent in and PAID for to SRCS when it comes back to me on the 14th which is when I will be back home stateside to get it (on letterhead!). However, anyone of the 4000 or so people who are going to get the scan from Butters, I can't make sure they won't post the scan anywhere, now can I? They can feel free to post it here or anywhere else they like for that matter. If the assay we sent in and paid for comes back on the money (like we know it will now), I am not going to respond or address anymore of this bullshit calling into the integrity of my products again EVER. I want to make that point crystal clear. I'm done dealing with this shit, it wrecked the end of what was an otherwise fantastic vacation. Such attacks will be ignored in the future, I don't have the time, Butters doesn't have the time, to deal with this shit. I can deal with this shit and every little wannabee who attacks me or I can stay in business but not both. I choose to stay in business. But under a new model which I am announcing here now. It all comes down to this and honestly, it has always come down to this...either you trust the name Red Star or you don't. If you don't, you won't buy from me and I honestly don't want you to buy from me because I need to trust you and you need to trust me for this to work well. A lack of trust on either side means trouble. And I don't want trouble and neither do you. If you doubt Red Star after this scan is made public and I know there will be a few people who will, some will say the assay is bogus, the sample was hot, half the lot batch was bunk the other real, there were two shooters in the grassy knoll and Phil is really Elvis Presley, whatever. Good luck you, the doubters, find another source, no hard feelings. Those who choose to stay with us, the game will be changing soon. The rules will be tighter but the prices and service will never be better. The products? They are and have always been top notch. Hey Wallace...almost 197mg/ml per bottle is what the assay from SRCS came back as. I know, so when someone posts it please tell me how crow tastes, OK? BTW, I still think your an asshole, I don't care who you know, and I'm pretty sure I know what lab you're a part of or being paid by. When they launch their Primo, btw, it will be tested, btw, by me, btw. All's fair, right? Wally?