Reducing anxiety without prescription medication

Anxiety is a son of a bitch.....
if at all possibly, pinpoint the trigger for it when it comes about and try your best to confront it..
I've found that avoiding what it is that's lighting off the anxiety only prolongs and even makes it worse...
depression is regrets from what's happened in your past, and Anxiety is the fear of what's going to potentially happen in your future..
one way to stop the reverberation of the thoughts that race through your head when anxiety hits is to surrender to what's causing it and admitting to yourself that there's (in most cases) nothing you can do about it...
Apathy (learning not to care) is the best weapon against anxiety.
and yes I've dropped a boatload of weight in the past from not eating because my mind was racing with thoughts that seemed to matter at the time but in reality really didn't...
anxiety is the biggest con job a person can ever pull on themselves..
either way good luck and hope ya feel like yourself soon !

Thanks brother I appreciate your input.
Do you find the gear makes your anxiety much worse? Im getting that today, hard to breathe anxious due to elevated testosterone levels I presume. Im currently looking into meditation techniques to bring me back to center.
Do you find the gear makes your anxiety much worse? Im getting that today, hard to breathe anxious due to elevated testosterone levels I presume. Im currently looking into meditation techniques to bring me back to center.

Honestly, no. I mentioned it before but I ran (albeit a low dose at 250mg) of trenbolone acetate and Halotestin at 40mg ED during my contest cut last year and I felt fantastic. I'm going to give yoga a go first and then hopefully that will train me enough to have another try at meditation. I know it is it's own form, but I'd love to be able to just go to a meditation class and focus.
I'm sorry I haven't commented on this one yet, I don't know how it slipped by me. Truthfully, I really agree with Megatron's answers...he really nails it. I hate to say it, but all of the medications you are on or have been on have either made the problem substantially worse or created some problems all together. I am a huge advocate against all psychotropic medications. I'm not saying this to you personally Rastas, but psychological problems cannot be fixed with a pill...medical problems can be, not psychological problems. This goes back to what I've said in here a few times cannot treat psychological issues as if they are medical issues. No medical doctors (including psychiatrists) have any formal training in psychology, yet they are the ones prescribing this trash and ruining people's lives.

Anxiety is an extremely difficult issue to address. The first step is to really find out what "anxiety" looks like for you. Remember, there is no blood test or brain scan that we can do to test for anxiety, we can only label the behaviors of the patient when we give this diagnosis. So what are the things that you do/feel that have lead you to receive this diagnosis? It's different for everyone. Some people have problems sleeping, problems eating, problems in their social life, irrational fear, almost obsessive tendencies for certain things, etc.

The next thing you need to figure out is what are the circumstances in which you feel the most anxiety and the circumstances in which you feel no anxiety? Normally there are certain activities that a person is very relaxed in and others that they become very anxious in. What is it about these circumstances that trigger your anxiety? There is always something, sometimes it is just very difficult to realize what it is. But analyze the differences between the times where you are most anxious and the time where are not anxious at all. what differences do you see?
I'm sorry I haven't commented on this one yet, I don't know how it slipped by me. Truthfully, I really agree with Megatron's answers...he really nails it. I hate to say it, but all of the medications you are on or have been on have either made the problem substantially worse or created some problems all together. I am a huge advocate against all psychotropic medications. I'm not saying this to you personally Rastas, but psychological problems cannot be fixed with a pill...medical problems can be, not psychological problems. This goes back to what I've said in here a few times cannot treat psychological issues as if they are medical issues. No medical doctors (including psychiatrists) have any formal training in psychology, yet they are the ones prescribing this trash and ruining people's lives.

I agree with you entirely, dialtone. I knew things were progressively getting worse as time went on and the medication was just exacerbating the problem. This is why I decided it had to stop. I'm so much better now than I ever was on medication. I'm just annoyed that it took me so long to realise this, but that's life I suppose. I was educating myself on the drugs I was using to "combat" the issues, rather than the underlying problems that were causing them in the first place. You're very right when you mention psychiatrists prescribing these medications. I haven't seen mine since March and I don't plan on ever going back.

Anxiety is an extremely difficult issue to address. The first step is to really find out what "anxiety" looks like for you. Remember, there is no blood test or brain scan that we can do to test for anxiety, we can only label the behaviors of the patient when we give this diagnosis. So what are the things that you do/feel that have lead you to receive this diagnosis? It's different for everyone. Some people have problems sleeping, problems eating, problems in their social life, irrational fear, almost obsessive tendencies for certain things, etc.

The next thing you need to figure out is what are the circumstances in which you feel the most anxiety and the circumstances in which you feel no anxiety? Normally there are certain activities that a person is very relaxed in and others that they become very anxious in. What is it about these circumstances that trigger your anxiety? There is always something, sometimes it is just very difficult to realize what it is. But analyze the differences between the times where you are most anxious and the time where are not anxious at all. what differences do you see?

Even though I've had these dramas for a long time, I still don't know what sets it off. I used to have panic attacks quite frequently but I didn't know I was having them because I didn't even know what they were. I used to think my stomach would knot up and I couldn't breathe because I was just really hungry. I know, very odd. It would happen while I was driving, while I was out with friends, just everywhere. It got worse, to the point where I'd throw up too and that is what's been happening this year too. Clearly this is something I need to work on and I genuinely feel like I am finally doing something about it. 2014 is going to be a good year. Thanks so much for your input dialtone, it is greatly appreciated :)
Do you find the gear makes your anxiety much worse? Im getting that today, hard to breathe anxious due to elevated testosterone levels I presume. Im currently looking into meditation techniques to bring me back to center.

I suffer with Anxiety, have for years....
20 mg paxil kept it controlled used it entire time I was on TRT. Very hard to come off it.
When first hoping on TRT after 16 months off felt really anxious because I was using HCG as well in the smallest doses.
I stopped after 4 weeks cause the anxiety was getting worse....
I thought the two were both working....HCG was working a bit.
But running HCG E3D instead of EOD and taking lower doses of the T have helped some...
Also I am on less paxil now....
Do you find the gear makes your anxiety much worse? Im getting that today, hard to breathe anxious due to elevated testosterone levels I presume. Im currently looking into meditation techniques to bring me back to center.

How much is your dose you are running ?
A lot of the Anxiety gets worse if you crash E2....
I never want to revisit that again!
I agree with you entirely, dialtone. I knew things were progressively getting worse as time went on and the medication was just exacerbating the problem. This is why I decided it had to stop. I'm so much better now than I ever was on medication. I'm just annoyed that it took me so long to realise this, but that's life I suppose. I was educating myself on the drugs I was using to "combat" the issues, rather than the underlying problems that were causing them in the first place. You're very right when you mention psychiatrists prescribing these medications. I haven't seen mine since March and I don't plan on ever going back.

Even though I've had these dramas for a long time, I still don't know what sets it off. I used to have panic attacks quite frequently but I didn't know I was having them because I didn't even know what they were. I used to think my stomach would knot up and I couldn't breathe because I was just really hungry. I know, very odd. It would happen while I was driving, while I was out with friends, just everywhere. It got worse, to the point where I'd throw up too and that is what's been happening this year too. Clearly this is something I need to work on and I genuinely feel like I am finally doing something about it. 2014 is going to be a good year. Thanks so much for your input dialtone, it is greatly appreciated :)

What is your Thyroid function like?
You workout ED ?? cardio too?
exercise greatly reduces my anxiety.