

New member
I have a 50ml vial of reforvit-b-and i was told you can take this orally-True or False??Either way what kind of dosage do i need weekly??obviously this is my first cycle-educate me please...thanx
Yes, you may take it orally as you can with all injectable steroids that are 17-alpha alkylated. Winstrol (winny) is another.

First cycle bro. I'd start with 1/2cc in the AM, then 1/2 in the evening as that shit is quite fast acting. Work your way up to 1cc then for both times, then 1 1/2. Then taper back down. That's a low-dose kinda, but for you it will still work, as you are a virgin as it were. O, and you may want to go to your local health-food store to see if they have any empty gelcaps/capsules that you can inject that shit into before swallowing them. Bro I say this with the utmost sincerity: That is is worst tasting, worst smelling crap on the planet. You will be tasting it for HOURS after you take a dose, and if you get it on your hands, you will be smelling it too. UGH, it's nasty! You will have to choke down on it, but it does work. Although it's not the best dbol out there, but it is probably the most cost effective.

First cycle though, and assuming you have a decent base already, you will grow like a weed. Good Luck
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IMO....that is a VERY BAD choice for a first cycle !!

What are your stats; age, weight, height, lifting experience, goals for cycle.

Why don't you pick up some Test Enanthate or Test Cypionate and run it at 400-500 mg/week for 8-10 weeks ??
StoneColdNTO said:
IMO....that is a VERY BAD choice for a first cycle !!

What are your stats; age, weight, height, lifting experience, goals for cycle.

Why don't you pick up some Test Enanthate or Test Cypionate and run it at 400-500 mg/week for 8-10 weeks ??

Agreed bro. Beggers can't be chosers though. Maybe that's his situation. I know when I first decided to sauce(like what, 10,000 years ago) I would've simply taken what was available, and I definitely wouldn't have waited around for a better choice. Once you've made the decision, you want to dive in head first. Just a guess.
SkedMedz said:
Agreed bro. Beggers can't be chosers though. Maybe that's his situation. I know when I first decided to sauce(like what, 10,000 years ago) I would've simply taken what was available, and I definitely wouldn't have waited around for a better choice. Once you've made the decision, you want to dive in head first. Just a guess.

I agree with you bro, cause that's how I was and I think back and say fuck I should have gone with this lol, but oh well you live and you learn.

About the cycle, I would wait bro and get some Test and take SC advise. running just rev would not be a great cycle. Test +rev would be sweet!! Good luck and let us know what you think
to answer stonecold's question I'm 23yrs 5'10" 175lbs Ive lifted on and off since middle school but ive been at it strong for a good 6 months.I just happened to run into this reforvit-b and bought it knowing little if anything about it.I just want to bulk up a little I'm definetly open to any suggestions........thanx for the feedback.....keep it coming.....
Yeah bro I would definately go with some test instead for a first cycle. I, like you was uneducated when I did my first cycle, it was reforvit b and laurabolin. That was probably the dumbest cycle I could possibly imagine now that I look back on it. I really think that since you have this website to your knowledge, I would use it for all I could. I was not as lucky as you, and I had to go with what I knew, which was practically nothing! Take advantage of the peeps on here and listen to what they say, they know their stuff (for the most part).
take a syringe draw 1cc out take off the needle shoot it under you tongue and drink something behind it its not that bad 2 times a day if your a virgin you will see some results, but u will need to get some injectables for your next cycle.