rehydration formula

Ok what drink is the best to keep yourself
hydrated for a workout so that down the road
you don't scream fuckin bloody murder when you wake up in the middle of the night
with leg cramps (calves, thighs or sartoriuos)

gatoraide still the best ?

something with calcium, magnesium, potasium, taurine or ...?
I never had a problem, and I dont suppliment with any minerals, just a complete diet. You can buy "oral rehyration salts" in packets and mix with water.

Other than that id recommend water, lol.
that's what i have been doing
eating good...if not too much?

but my old decrepit-sorry-ass body needs a little extra something i don't get those
"living nightmare" sartoriuos muscle spasms.

thanks , i will go to GNC and look for rehydration salts.