Restoring Libido


New member
I recently ran letro @ 2.5mg for several weeks and as you all stated, my libido is shot. I've tapered off the letro and am running nolva at 40mg/day. Any ideas on how long it will take to get my mojo back?
Since you tapered I would think after a few weeks of nolva things should be back to normal. Were you on a cycle before this round of nolva as well?
switch to clomid from nolva, 50mg/day for atleast 2 weeks. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500 iu ed for week 1, eod for week 2 and 3 and you should be good.
Kabdog said:
No Doc, I was giving letro a try for some existing gyno.
That's what I was assuming but I didn't want to be wrong. Nolva is definately what you want to use IMO.