Results on Splitting Nebido


New member
Hi everyone

I am in the UK have been on Nebido for a while. I first started on the standard protocol of every 12 weeks, then 10 weeks then 8 weeks. I did not get on well with it. I spoke to my doc and agreed to split the dose which I did and currently I am taking 1/8 of a dose (.5ml) every week.

My testosterone seems pretty consistent. I don't get any of the highs and lows that came with the previous protocols and the greasy skin and acne cleared up and completely went away. However I feel that I am more emotional than I normally would be so I took a test to check my levels just before my next injection.

FOLLICLE STIM. HORMONE *<0.100 IU/L 1.50 -12.40
TESTOSTERONE 25.09 nmol/L 7.60 -31.40
SEX HORMONE BINDING GLOB 34.51 nmol/L 16.00 -55.00
17-BETA OESTRADIOL 56.6 pmol/L 0.00 -191.99
LUTEINISING HORMONE *0.482 IU/L 1.70 -8.60

The people who test said this is normal results. some people have said my E2 is way too low but other have said it is ok.

I have to see my doctor soon and I have several options. I could increase frequency slightly to maybe every 6 days. I could change to 0.6ml every 7 days, I could change to a two week protocol rather than weekly etc. Even though it is not standard in the UK, I could ask to see if he would consider allowing me to try test E but I am not sure what, if any advantages this may bring.

My experiences in the UK is that if you find an understanding doctor, which I am fortunate to have found, then you can suggest ideas to them but they are not too forthcoming with own ideas other than those written in the book which can be quite nasty protocols!

If I could have any opinions on the above test results and also whether to change something that potentially seems to be working or not.

Splitting is a very good idea (you should have absolute stable levels with this method!), but how do you store that sterile with broken vial?
Or is this a bigger vial with rubber plug for syringe filling through?
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I am currently injecting weekly but considering maybe going back to every other week (and double the volume). Not sure of the pros or cons of doing this other than less frequent injecting.

It comes in a vial with a rubber top. So I just ensure that I wipe the top each time with an alcohol swab
how long is "a while" ??
how long have you been on it before changing to weekly?

it can take months to stabilize with nebido, every couple of months is enough after you stabilize and level out IMO, but not everyone is exactly the same.
Almost two years. Been on the weekly protocol for around 3 months now.

The one shot every 8 weeks was ok but I definitely felt the highs and lows and the acne was uncontrollable.
Yes, with more often smaller injections you can avoid the ups and downs especcialy with this super long ester!
Good, that it has a rubber plug!!! I'll ask my doc in one month about such vial, if she is agree with my TRT. Was ever thinking Nebido is only available in this senseless breaking glass vials.
Also think, one or also two weeks should be good with it.
Almost two years. Been on the weekly protocol for around 3 months now.

The one shot every 8 weeks was ok but I definitely felt the highs and lows and the acne was uncontrollable.

ahh I see, I thought you were going to say something like a few months or something of the sort.
well then what works for you is best. im thinking though; IF you wanted to cut down injection frequency you could likely take a couple AI doses each week week 2-4, starting a couple weeks after injection geared towards every 8 weeks to help avoid acne and rise in estro with bigger injection.
If this works best go for it, but to me the point of nebido is to avoid frequent injections so when i get on it it will be every 1-2 months depending how i do. I been using teste or cyp for sooooo many years but have researched a great deal on test undec since down the line im sure i may want to just have to hassle with my hrt dose every month or two (and add what ever else if i blast/cycle during that time)

Good luck! and please keep us updated!
Thank you for the input and the thread! I am sure others will learn from it. :)
Thanks for the response.

To be honest I don't mind the injections once per week. However I don't like the last couple of days. I almost feel I would benefit in raising my E2 a little. So maybe for now I will change to double the dose but once every two weeks and see how I go with that!

Happy to keep this thread updated!
The Nebido build up depos in the tissue which are working overlapping. With this long ester also the dose correction needs a longer time, I think.
Do you feel a up and down over the two weeks? If not, two weeks schould be very ok for injecting.

I have a question... is the oil very stiff or more runny liquid (do you have a comparsion to enanthate?).
I do SC injections and more stable ester would be also there a benefit. At time I'm using enanthaft and it's the best for that what I have had in the past.
Well at the moment I am doing weekly so cannot comment on two weeks and it is very thick liquid though can not compare to test e as not seen it.
Ok, very thick sounds not good for my sc route. But enanthate does it well for me, but have to inject also every week and nicer would be a longer period, but isn't so important. ;)