results (pics) 6 week helladroll cycle


New member
First ph cycle
Total cycle length 9 weeks, starting weight was 205 in week 6 of the h drol i am 227
first 3 weeks formestane (formeron) an 11-oxo (lgi 11-x) 2 pumps daily of formeron an 8 caps of 11-x (600mg)
week 3-6 11-x an formeron dose stayed the same an i introduced the h-drol (helladrol) 3 caps (75mg) for the first week an then 100 mg from there on.
Forged cycle support, creatine, methydrene25 preworkout.
Diet for the first 3 weeks was maintenance calories, after the 3rd week i aimed for 250grams of protein+ an didnt worry about calories just eating a shit ton of food lol
Sides: horrible back pumps (possible kidney pain or back strain at week 4) to combat the back pumps i used tums, lots of bananas an 10 grams of taurine pre workout.
Will be using lgi rehab (full pct support) an torem at 120/90/60/30
with all the diet being on me from start to finish i feel like diet is most important during pct an have since bought a diet plan to solidify my gains.
before an after pics

Let me know what yall think
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Holy crap dude, those results are MONEY! Your shoulders rounded like a mo-fo and you have way more definition everywhere.
Helladrol is definitely a favorite of mine as well, and well, your pictures speak a thousand words (I just wish they would link in instead of me having to copy paste the links). Nice work, keep pushing... Would love to hear how much you keep after PCT as well (from the sound of things you should be able to keep most, if not all).
Thanks yall, idk why it wont show but i appreciate the feedback!
I put in a ton of work, im not new to lifting but just let myself go over the past year an a half. This was just a way to jump start me back in the gym, i do t see most the gains going anywhere as i have been this size in the past.
Good work bro! What kind of strength gains did you see on the compound lifts. Where did you start before and where were you at after?