REVISED: Considering my first program? (Test-e/Deca/Arimidex)


New member
Now i have fortunately come across some vials of Test-e and Deca plus some Arimidex tabs. And am planning on a 10 week program. (Thanks to everyone for steering me away from the DBOL only program).

Well lets begin about my history/stats, I'm now 23 years old, 5'10 tall and just over 13 months ago i weighed in at 58kg (was loving the smoko, pills, acid and party lifestyle a bit too much) and had been a vegetarian for 6 years leading up to this date. Had no muscle definition at all, tiny arms and waist and basically looked like a hairy 12 year old boy.

In the first 4 months i began eating meat, bulking protein shakes and creatine and made my way up to 82kg but was mostly fat as i had a fatty diet at the time (kfc every night for 3 months!) and trained 6 days a week using a home set up (bench press, 6-in-1 weight stack machine and basic free weights) but did no cardio aswell. After this i unfortunately got sick and stopped training for a good 2 months and went back to 64kg and stayed that way up until 3 months ago when i started training again, but this time ate an extremely healthy diet, grazing every 2 hours (low carb/high protein) and continued using creatine, but went to a 100% wpi shake and used mesomorph. I then slowly put on weight but became more defined then bigger. After a month of this diet and training at home i joined a gym, and have been there for the past 2 months on the same diet up until 3 weeks ago when i changed to a bulking protein shake and increased the carbs in my diet but kept it mainly high in protein. Also in this past 2 months at the gym i have worked alot on my cardio.
-Start of first month at gym i weighed 67.5kg, and had 13.5inch biceps when flexed.
-after the first month i weighed in at around 71-72kgs and had just over 14inch biceps when flexed. Plus i was looking extremely lean and defined but some of my muscle still seemed to be not fully formed (early teenager like almost?).
-(NOW) 3 weeks after the change to bulking protein and slightly more carbs in my diet i am now at 77kgs and 15inch biceps when flexed and looking bigger and more man like.

Okay so i train at the gym 6 days a week (also play low level grade competition rugby union), aim to increase in muscle mass for the next season and eat an average meal 5-6 times a day (includes 2 protein shakes, one in the morning and one after training) and eat a healthy balanced diet. I have now discontinued any use of creatine + pre-work out suppliments (APS Mesomorph). And i plan to commence my program in the coming days.

So here are a few questions;
-should i stick to a bulking protein shake or go to a lean/ripped style protein shake while on the program?
-what ratio & dosages for the Test-e/Deca/Arimidex should i use? (Planning on a 10 week program)
-when to take the dosages?
-any advice or tips on this combo (Test-e/Deca/Arimidex) and a PCT regime or really any tips, advice or criticisms would be appreciated

Cheers guys
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Yes as solid said test is best for first cycle to see how your body responds so please test only this will help you learn and grow and stack for years to come
I like .5mg every other day from the start, some don't even use it, rather have just incase they see signs of gyno or get bloat. You have to play with the dose a bit though see what works best for you. I'd just keep it on hand, and do .25mg - .5mg EOD if you start to get signs of gyno
Go for it, not going to make much of a difference either or just try an stay away from ones packed with sugar and shit. You're gains are going to be mostly maid up from the "real" food you eat during cycle, shakes are just an add in. Diet is most important so make sure it's in check