Here's some info from another thread on my diet, goals, and upcoming cycle info:
I've compiled some information from our wonderful contributor MR. BMJ, and I've used my normal diet to combine into a good diet for a bulking stage in my life. Right now I'm at 5'10", 195lbs, currently "off" cycle, my bodyfat is sub 9% and dropping, and I am looking to gain to around 218-220 if possible. I want to stay sub 9% throughout this diet and I think with my genetics it's very possible. I haven't counted macro's yet, but will on soon. I need to do that ASAP.
Here's a look at what I've compiled and please make suggestions and changes if you think something would work better for my goals. This diet below is for Training Days Only:
Wake 6am
Preworkout: - 10g EAA, 38g Waxy Maize with Crystal light
76g Waxy Maize
10g BCAA
1-2g Taurine
1g Vit-C
3 PureCEE
Mixed all together with Crystal light (thanks BMJ )
Meal 1 @ 8:15am
50g True Protein Cold Filt Iso
10g BCAA
1g Taurine
Meal 2 @ 10:00am
8oz - sirloin steak
1cup - couscous
1cup - raw brocolli or more
Meal 3 @ 12:30pm
50g True Protein Cold Filt Iso
1cup Oatmeal, Quaker, 1minute (mixed with shake and drank)
1-2oz mixed nuts (pine, almonds, peanuts, all unsalted)
Meal 4 @ 3:00pm
8oz chicken
1 bag Success brown rice or lentils
1 granny smith apple
Meal 5 @ 5:00pm
50g True Protein Cold Filt Iso
1cup Oatmeal, Quaker 1 minute (mixed with shake and drank)
2 tbsp organic peanut butter
1-2oz mixed nuts (pine, peanut, & almond)
Meal 6 @ 8:00pm
8oz fish OR turkey
1 lg sweet potato
1 cup raw brocolli or more
B4 Bed @ 10:30pm
50g Casein shake
NON-Training Days I will supplement this for when I awake, but keep meals 1-6 as they are:
10 boiled egg whites, 3 yolks
1 large wheat bagel or some sort of good breakfast carb
Ok, some may say that I'm using way too many meals for shakes. I understand this to be correct and a fact, but my job requires me to be on the run sometimes and this can be a problem with having to eat too many prepared meals. I prepare meals 1-2 times a week, and this isn't a problem, but the eating 3 solid meals at my job wouldn't fly well. Even though I'm part owner, it still wouldn't fly. I try to take around 20 minutes to eat each whole meal. I drink 6 liters of H2O per day. I only have 1 12oz diet coke each day.
My supplements are as follows:
Thermorexin 1x day
Cardio Breeze 1x day
Alcar caps 3x day
Neurogenex 2x day, twice
PureCEE in the AM
Sesapure at every meal
Glucorell at every meal
Vit - C
AIFM every night
Beta Alanine
B5 @ 10g/ED
Fish Oil caps 6x/ED
Upcoming supplements that I'm adding to the diet:
Saw Palmetto, ginger root, zinc, acidophilus, cranberry extract, magnesium, potassium, Tylers Liv Detox, Milk thistle, and possibly a few others.
Cycle coming up Feb 9th:
Wk 1-11: Enanthate @ 750mg/week
Wk 12-13: Test Prop @ 100mg eod
Wk 1-8: Tren Acetate @ 50mg/ED
Wk 1-8: Dbol @ 30-40mg/ED
Wk 1-14: Proviron @ 50mg/ED
Wk 2-5: IGF-1 LR3 @ 60mcg/ED (site inject after workout)
Wk 10-13: IGF-1 LR3 @ 60mcg/ED (site inject after workout)
POSSIBLY: 4iu HGH/ED Mon-Fri, off Sat-Sun...I'm pondering this
I'll be using finisteride for hairloss, and will see if it helps or hurts before making the decision to keep running it or cease use.
I'll be using dostinex @ .5mg/E 4-5 days, depending on the need.
I'll have nolva on hand and adex in case of gyno or bloat.
Doing 250iu of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout cycle every 3 days.
The bottom line is this: My goals are not going to be easy, nor simple, but I think I can make it happen if I put my mind to it and stay diciplined. I must gain as much weight in LBM as possible, and I will adjust my diet with carbs according to how my body starts reacting during the weeks ahead. Tweaking will probably occur and I'll probably drop a carb meal or 2 during non-training days, but we'll just have to see how it works out.
A picture says a thousand words, so the only one I have right now is the one on my wifes avatar, and that's current and off cycle. My abs weren't flexed and I was just standing natural, so I'm going to post some more pics this weekend when I have some time.
If I have the TIME, I may possibly post a progression post or something, I don't know. I don't want to start something that I can't finish, but if it's just a week by week transformation post I could probably make that happen. I'll need to be critiqued on which bodyparts are lagging.
I'm going to do this. Make no mistakes, the light heavyweight division will be mine. I'm going into this confident but with knowledge and dicipline, and I'm not letting anything get in my way. My blood work was back ALL normal, every single part of it besides the minor liver enzymes which were so slight they were probably caused by training, etc.
I'm ready. Come on.