rip halfwit :(


so as many of you guys know, halfwit was an active member on here who helped everyone and always included at the end of his post .02 (as if someone wants his 2 cents) :nono: anyhoo i messaged him the other night and he told me about how hes listening to "thrift shop" alot and his wife hates it and now i read in the news that he has died :( he's in a better place now though :'(

i've added in pics to convince you guys :'( this is a sad moment of ology
heres him talking to me about his new favorite song :'(

heres the newspaper article
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SO what make this about steroids? Why would this be posted int eh steroid forum and Not the "I'm an Idiot trying to be funny" forum.

This is poor taste too many brothers have fallen in years past to be making jokes like this.
its wierd cause even tho i dont no him personally apart from all the help iv got off him on this foroum and he seems like a decent guy i was kinda gutted when i seen the title of the thread!!
its wierd cause even tho i dont no him personally apart from all the help iv got off him on this foroum and he seems like a decent guy i was kinda gutted when i seen the title of the thread!!

it was just a joke, i thought it was a weird coincidence that i saw him talking bout the song and the next day an article bout someone getting assaulted cause of the song, halfwit is awesome and still alive, he'll continue to give give good advice and toss in his .02 cents at the end of his posts :love:
good glads hes still breathing :) got a couple more questions for him haha that girls crazy she must of been abusing the aas
It's a good song too. :mad: I guess I would be flattered, but we all know Dennis is a bit of a nut. :p Still alive, and hopefully we don't see many of these types of threads for real.

My .02c :)
Fuck...This is not funny at all. What the hell? My heart just about stopped when i read this...No homo, just he is my friend. This thread sucks, and please no more crap like this.
LMFFAAAOOOO... oh my god, i'm fucking hallowing over here!!! That's tooo funnyyy!!!!

awww don't ban dennis... thats rude...
I knew it was a joke maybe just cuz I know how dennis is and it seemed pretty obvious when he wrote" I posted pics to convince you guys" plus we all know halfwit is inmortal duh..... lol