rival pharma


New member
Its some new gear I. Chose to try out its g2g ill tell u that for sure my nuts r like snow peas iv been using 2ml every day =600mg its like a sustanon blend I. Use atleast 25ml every 2 weeks best gear iv used in a long time
Yea lol 3600mg a week everyone says I'm crazy for doing that much but every where I go I get looks and complement my work out partner is on the green giant (andro 50mg) he is packin on the size too....
That is a ridiculous dosage. I hope your running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) what's your post cycle therapy (pct) look like?
Pct is 100mg of clom. Every day and 50mg of nov. For 30 days Saturday I'm switchin to supertest 400mg/ml at 2ml a day gonna run that for 4 weeks then switch back to the supper test 300 till cycle is done and after post cycle therapy (pct) I'm gonna run a cutting cycle