RJ ---- 9 Days out


Well-known member
Going to be the last little sneak peak of where our boy is at. You can probably tell by the changes that we've definatley pulled some more fat and water off as we really needed to make the heavy weight class (225 1/4 is the max).

Plan is to load him back up a little over the next 3 days before the last week. We don't want to lose any fullness that he had in the last set of pics but we also know he needed to be leaner.

His legs need to pop some more but with the plan in place that shouldn't be a problem by next saturday.
Excellent job to the both of you. Yes.....the legs are retaining water but I'm confident by showtime they'll be dry as dice!

Think of all the great food after the show.........mmmmmmmmmmm
More fat on his legs then water but like he and I talked about today. Since this is his first show your never as lean as the next one.

For those keeping track we basically cut his carbohydrate intake in half this last 12 days. But also cut his cardio out this last week. So the goal was to let his legs rest this week and next as he was doing a lot of cardio (probably around 5 - 6 hrs / week) towards the end here and it just takes a little time for the legs to recuperate. At the same time we knew that we still needed to come down so the low carb was one of the main tools there.

The next things will be taking his protein shakes completely out along with changing a few chemicals here and there. He actually used a protein shake a little longer then i like most to use them but at 10 days out we need to start watching sodium intake and with supplement companies and the regulations we never really know whats in them.
DirkMoneyshot said:
More fat on his legs then water but like he and I talked about today. Since this is his first show your never as lean as the next one.

For those keeping track we basically cut his carbohydrate intake in half this last 12 days. But also cut his cardio out this last week. So the goal was to let his legs rest this week and next as he was doing a lot of cardio (probably around 5 - 6 hrs / week) towards the end here and it just takes a little time for the legs to recuperate. At the same time we knew that we still needed to come down so the low carb was one of the main tools there.

The next things will be taking his protein shakes completely out along with changing a few chemicals here and there. He actually used a protein shake a little longer then i like most to use them but at 10 days out we need to start watching sodium intake and with supplement companies and the regulations we never really know whats in them.

You're so informative Dirk! My protein shakes were cut out at 20 weeks because we had no idea how fast my metabolism could be! But I'm losing weight faster than expected so it's all good!

Might be a dumb question but how do you know it's more fat than water on the legs?
The one thing about protein shakes is there really isn't a big problem with using them in the diet and in fact using whole foods will actually cause your metabolism in the long run to speed up more so then using protein shakes. Protein shakes have a couple bad things going for them.

1.) Whey is fairly quick and can leave most feeling hungry. I would always suggest a combo of casein and Whey and even Egg white protein when dieting. With RJ he was eating plenty of food so hunger wasn't an issue so just a straight whey shake 1x / day wasn't going to do anything.

2.) Your body doesn't have to work at breaking the shakes down. Less energy is expended and sometimes if your using to many you just won't get in the same kind of shape as with whole foods.

3.) Supplement companies are horrible about actually containing what they say is in them. So that is why the last 4 weeks in shakes need to come out. YOU DO NOT WANT ANY VARIABLES YOU CAN NOT CONTROL.

So for most having a protein shake 1 or 2 times a day during a contest prep is not going to be much of a problem. As contest prep advisors we would love it if all they ate was whole foods all the time but you have to remember the client does have a life and eating 5-6 whole food meals isn't the most convienent thing.

The best thing to do for a client is make things as simple as possible so it doesn't interfer with normal activities and they don't even have to think about it.

Now a little more info - Since we cut his carbs back we are going to have to take that into consideration when go to carb him up. So all you individuals dieting on no carbs or very little carbs over the long run remember you need a lot less then a person who has been dieting on higher carbs.
I almost forgot about the leg issue- Its just an experience thing. I've done this long enough you can tell the difference. He's just not as lean in the legs as the upper body. You have to remember there is very little water to be held under the skin. 99% of the time when someone says they are holding water i can gurantee they just weren't lean enough. I think i've only seen a handful of people that I honest to god didn't think could be leaner. Almost everyone can.
Amazing job guys!!!!

I remember you saying that each time you diet it gets easier and easier. For a first time, RJ looks pretty damn good.

Good luck to the both of you!
Easto said:
Amazing job guys!!!!

I remember you saying that each time you diet it gets easier and easier. For a first time, RJ looks pretty damn good.

Good luck to the both of you!

Your right Easto. As long as RJ doesn't get overly fat during the offseason next time around. His body will be much more willing to give up that intramuscular fat. He will be much more grainy and striated.
DirkMoneyshot said:
Your right Easto. As long as RJ doesn't get overly fat during the offseason next time around.

its good you have faith... lol

seriously though, originally i said this would be the only time I competed, just to say I did it, but after seeing the changes my body has made, i am definitely going to try and do a little damage before I get too old. :D

My plan is to add some serious meat to my weak areas, while not blowing up like a freaking balloon like most do. My idea of bulking is just to add LBM. i know i will add some BF, but its no excuse to get plain nasty fat!!
mister69 said:
RJ- what was your waist measurement before the contest prep and what is it now?


i have no idea. my waist is pretty big. But I don't measure it so i wouldn't know even if i measured it now. As long as my jeans fit when I put them on, thats the size i wear. lol

thanks everyone, only a few days left till showtime.